People who normally think about things too much, who doubt and postpone too much whether what they are going to do is good or not, are the ones who learn the least and also go through the exhausting emotion of frustration at not seeing their dreams come true.
What really matters when taking Action is not whether the action is good or bad, what matters is taking action and that's it.
"Action does not always have happiness, but there is no happiness without action"
Something that limits action too much and also diminishes our personal power is “fear”, fear of rejection, failure, ridicule, poverty. The only way to eliminate fear is to face it,
"Do what you fear most and you will avoid fear."
Failure does not exist, there are only results and learning, besides, in everything you do you will always be successful, if you think that it will go wrong, Granted! it's going to go wrong, look at the times you've been successful, you got what you wanted because you were really convinced that it was possible for you, and when you didn't get what you wanted it's because you weren't convinced that it was possible, however you got a learning from that experience, in conclusion failure does not exist, there is only the result of your thinking and your actions. Think for a moment if in your mind there was the absolute certainty that you would never fail.
What would you be able to do? Imagine for a moment the answer.
Trust your personal power, or what is the same, Act! You will see how you transform immediately.
Remember that the first step to achieve your personal power is to know what you want, then take action and as a third step will be "Analyze if the result you get is really what you were looking for." If so, congratulations! You are making visible what at one time were just your thoughts, this was possible only through your personal power. If you did not achieve the expected result, then change! modify and do different things to get different results, because “If you always do what you always do, you will always have the same results”, check each of the steps you did so you can see what you are doing wrong, maybe this will help you It's very obvious, but it's so obvious that we don't usually do it that way.
What happens or what should you do if what you do doesn't work for you? Well, very easy, do something else, and what if you fail again? Well, try something different, we can call this third step to raise our personal power "FLEXIBILITY", since you can always change, you can always start over, no matter your age or your economic position, there is always a way, yes! you are fully committed to achieving the result you so desire! What you need is to act to start seeing results, these results are ultimately what will provide you with the invaluable information on your progress. Without Action there will never be results, the results provide us with invaluable information for our growth. Be aware of your results and make the best happen for you and for others! You have the strength.
Many people want to have a change in their life, but do nothing to achieve it, and the worst thing about it is that they still want to see results.
Always remember, if all our results depended only on reading, listening or attending courses, many of us would have our lives resolved, however the most important thing is to take ACTION, this action is power, surely the power that will lead you to achieve what you want. you want so much