By Manuel Morin. Part 1 of 2.
I want to take advantage of what I have commented to broaden ideas about the psychotherapeutic processes applied by an expert, which will help you to “emerge” the unfinished, pending issues or, better said, the blockages that you have by interrupting the flow of energy in the cycle of experience. of your life…
What is this Cycle of Experience?
Everything begins and ends, what would happen if this were not so? You would then begin an experience and not complete it. Imagine that you start a relationship and in the course of it, your partner promises you love, loyalty, above all to be faithful and you discover that he has another love relationship or is married; Of course, he never tells you or he simply “abandons you” without telling you anything and you never get to know more about him.
This means that what you started did not develop; moreover, it did not end, it remained to be resolved. You had loving plans to continue the relationship, to reach something else and in reality it was not like that. It means that the cycle of experience was interrupted and you were blocked. Your emotional energy was blocked creating neurotic or depressive states due to the loss that this person represents. Perhaps it provokes in you resentment. How do you live when you hate yourself? Also, it is not healthy to feel hate because the one you harm is yourself. It's also not healthy to feel guilty for abandoning someone who treated you well, for discovering that you didn't really love him and not being able to say it, you just left...