(…or the art of matching)

Juan Sinpiernas was a man who worked as a lumberjack.
One day Juan bought an electric saw thinking that this would lighten his work a lot. The idea would have been very happy if he had taken the precaution of learning how to handle the saw first, but he didn't.
One morning while working in the forest, the howl of a wolf caused the woodcutter to lose his guard... The electric saw slipped between his hands and Juan had an accident, seriously injuring both legs.
The doctors could do nothing to save them, so Juan Sinpiernas, as if he were a victim of the prophetic determination of his name, was permanently prostrated in an armchair for the rest of his life.
Juan was depressed for months because of the accident and after a year, it seemed that little by little he was starting to get better.
However, something conspired against his psychic recovery and unexpectedly, Juan fell back into a deep and incredible depression.
Doctors referred him to psychiatry.
Juansinlegnas, after a little resistance, made the consultation.
The psychiatrist was kind and supportive. Juan quickly felt comfortable and succinctly told him the facts that led to his state of mind.
The psychiatrist told her that he understood her depression. The loss of the legs, he said, was really a very genuine reason for his anguish.
- It's not that, doctor -said Juan- my depression has nothing to do with the loss of my legs. It's not the disability that bothers me the most. What hurts me the most is the change in my relationship with my friends.
The psychiatrist opened his eyes and stared at him, waiting for Juan Legless to complete his idea.
– Before the accident, my friends who came to pick me up every Friday to go dancing. Once or twice a week we would get together to splash in the river and swim races. Until days before my operation, some of our friends would go out on Sunday mornings to run along the coastal avenue. However, it seems that by the mere fact of having suffered the accident, I have not only lost my legs, but I have also lost the desire of my friends to share things with me. None of them have invited me back since.
The psychiatrist looked at him and smiled...
It was hard for him to believe that Juan Sinpiernas was not understanding the absurdity of his statement...
However, the psychiatrist decided to explain clearly what was happening. He knew better than anyone that the mind has such special springs that it can make one unable to understand what is plain and obvious.
The psychiatrist explained to Juan Sinpiernas that his friends were not avoiding him because of lack of love or rejection. Painful as it was, the accident had changed reality. Like it or not, he was no longer the partner of choice to do those same things they used to share...
-But Doctor -interrupted Juan Sinpiernas- I know that I can swim, run and even dance. Luckily, I was able to learn to improve my wheelchair and I know that none of that is forbidden to me...
The doctor calmed him down and continued his reasoning: Of course there was nothing against him continuing to do the same things, moreover, it was very important that he continue doing them. It was just hard to keep pretending to share them with his relationships back then.
The psychiatrist explained to Juan that in reality he could swim, but he had to compete with those who had the same difficulty... that he could go dancing, but in clubs and with others who also lacked legs... he could go out to train in the morning. coast, but he had to learn to do it with other disabled people.
Juan had to understand that his friends would not be with him now as before, because now the conditions between him and them were different….
They were no longer his peers.
In order to be able to do these things that he wanted to do and others, it was better to get used to doing them with his equals. He had, then, to devote his energy to building new relationships with peers.
Juan felt a veil lift inside his mind and that feeling calmed him down.
It's hard to tell you how much I appreciate your help, doctor. - John said - I came almost forced by your colleagues but now I understand that you were right... I have understood your message and I assure you that I will follow your advice, doctor. Thank you very much it has been really useful to come to the consultation.
New relationships with peers. – Juan repeated himself so as not to forget it.
And then Juan Sinpiernas left the psychiatrist's office, and returned to his house... and got his electric saw ready...
He planned to cut off the legs of some of his friends, and "fabricate" like that... some pairs.

Do not pretend that others adapt to your new life, if you have stopped being a toxic person, it is best to stay away from people who do not build for you. 
The life of excellence is not for everyone, do not try to cut off the legs of those people to be like you, better look for equal relationships with people of excellence like you! and allow toxic people to change when it's their time.