In a land at war, there was a king who caused fear. 

Whenever he took prisoners, he did not kill them, but took them to a room where there was a group of archers on one side and an immense iron door on the other, on which figures of skulls covered in blood were engraved.

In this room the king made them form a circle and then told them... "You can choose between dying pierced by the arrows of my archers or going through that mysterious door". 

All chose to be killed by the archers. At the end of the war, a soldier who had served the king for a long time addressed the sovereign and said... 

- Sir, can I ask you a question?, - and the king answers: Tell me soldier. 

– What was behind the hideous door? 

– Go and see for yourself. – replied the king. 

The soldier then fearfully opened the door and, as he did so, rays of sunlight entered and brightened the environment... and finally, he discovered to his surprise that the door opened onto a path that led to freedom. 

The admired soldier only looked at his king who told him... 

– I gave them the choice, but they would rather die than risk opening this door. 

How many doors do we stop opening doors for fear of taking risks? 

How many times do we lose our freedom and die inside, only for feeling afraid to open the door of our dreams?.