Know it and accept itHe thinks that the fight wears out.
Be thankful for having built it: It has been and is useful to you. It has given you a lot of energy and dedication.
* understand itUnderstand how useful it has been for you, what it has served you for and what it has not. How has it made things easier for you and how has it made it difficult for you?
Learn to model and handle itCHANGE IT. The ego it is your construction. You can identify with it or not. Surely it has been an unconscious, automatic construction for a long time, you had not paid attention to it.
Considering yourself a victim of your ego is an option. Taking care of him is another. If you choose the second, endless possibilities for growth, learning, change, effectiveness, and satisfaction open up.
"The ego is the first enemy of the entrepreneur." I would add… If we talk about a rigid, inflexible, insecure and fearful ego, it is not only the enemy of the entrepreneur, but of people in general. Yommakes it possible or difficult to open up and learn.
If there is something in which every human being is an "entrepreneur" it is in their own life.
Learn to manage, build and transform your ego and you will live better.

Do you know where to start?