Once upon a time there was a man who lived with his son in a small village in the mountains. Their only means of subsistence was the horse they owned, which they rented to the peasants to plow the land.

Every day, the son took the horse to the mountains to graze. One day, he came back without the horse and told his father that he had lost it. This spelled ruin for both of them. Upon hearing the news, the neighbors went to his father and said: "Neighbor, what bad luck!" The man replied, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows!"

After a few days, the horse returned from the mountain, bringing with it many wild horses that had joined it. It was a real fortune. The amazed neighbors congratulated the man: "Neighbor, what good luck!" Undeterred, he replied, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows!"

One day when the son was trying to tame the horses, one threw him to the ground, breaking his leg as he fell. “What bad luck, neighbor!” they told their father. "Good luck, bad luck, who knows!" was his reply again.

One morning some soldiers appeared in the village, recruiting the young men for a war that was going on in the country. All the boys were taken, except for his son, who was disabled by his broken leg. The villagers came again, saying, "Neighbor, what good luck!" "Good luck, bad luck, who knows!" he replied.

They say that this story continues, always in the same way, and that it will never have an end.