Selling with NLP (objections part 2)

* You must be very prepared and imagine all the questions that can be asked about your product/service. For this, it is ideal that you yourself are a possible buyer and think about everything you would like to know about what you sell, support yourself with family and friends, I assure you that it will be very good.
POWERFUL LISTENING, TOTAL PRESENCE, If you did not understand something in the objection that they just told you, do not be embarrassed to say "Sorry, I didn't understand your question, can you ask me again, please?"”, In this way, you will have time to analyze your answer a little more and really answer what it should be and that helps your sale.
* When a customer tells you "I can't pay that price" what he is really saying is "show me that your product/service is worth that price".
* When a customer tells you "I have to consult with other people", he may actually be saying "give me the necessary reasons to buy it and not have to consult with other people".
Objection or condition? It is very important to be very open to it. If it is a condition that they put on us, but it is within what we can “do for them” and if they obtain your product/service with it, then go ahead, you can grant it, JUST REMEMBER, ALWAYS AND WHEN JUSTIFIED. If you offer too many extra benefits, without justifying them, you will come across as a liar and they will doubt your initial prices.
* If they are putting us a series of conditions in which we are already violating the Policies of the Company, your Commission is affected (you will not work for free), where more than their Professional Seller, they end up leaving you as if they handled you, DO NOT YOU DO.
* Yes, you are going for a sale, but your image and that of your company does not have to be reduced or affected.
 Listen to your client until the end of his objections, be clear, be convincing, don't "buy" his doubts or concerns either.
What do I mean by it?
I have known sales colleagues, that when a prospect begins to mention all the excuses (yes, I said well: EXCUSES, which is not the same as Objections) that they can not buy something, it happens that they almost lend them money to buy it !!!!!
Be careful, be very careful, listen, YES; but do not fall into their suffering, do not get hooked, you went to sell, not to go wrong with a presentation because you got carried away by all the sometimes negative burden of your clients.
For this, they have to be skillful enough to get out of it. And the best way to do it is by preparing yourself.