Family Constellations is a type of Systemic Family Psychotherapy developed by Bert Hellinger.

It is said that the 70% of the psychological problems that affect us all come from our family history and relationship. The child, out of blind love, adopts reactions and bears burdens that will make life difficult for him as an adult. Constellations quickly brings to light the dynamic that causes suffering and, given the right circumstances, corrects it on the spot.

This Therapy differs from others by its extreme speed. In a Constellation (with an average duration of 1 hour) the true cause of the problem presented by the client is brought to light and addressed, as opposed to processes that can last years in other types of Therapies, such as Psychoanalysis. That is why more and more psychologists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts are interested in Family Constellations as a therapeutic tool.

The Work Method is based on working with representatives, and in groups (although there are also individual sessions).

The scope of the work is not limited to the person who has made their Constellation, but also to their family system, since when an element of the system moves, they all relocate in turn, finding a better balance. Likewise, the work of a person in their Constellation also affects the rest of the Workshop participants, since many problems are common, to a lesser or greater degree, to those of the rest of the participants.

Half of your Being consists of your mother and half of your Being consists of your father. You are here for them. Everything that is happening to you is, in a way, because of them