It is as real as your soul, timeless, and lives within you, waiting for the moment when you realize it and look into its eyes.

 Your girl or your inner boy exists, it is your joy, your ability to let go, your desire to dream, your illusion, the things that are worthwhile, loving for the pleasure of loving, sharing for fun without expecting anything in return, what you do with your whole being, the expression of your creativity and your beauty.
            It would be difficult to define it in a single expression, because it participates in many of the talents of our energy being. So the fair thing is to describe it with everything of which it is a part:
            From an energy point of view, understanding that each person is a being of light living a physical experience, the inner child is that part of your energy that connects you from the outside, the most external physically, to the most internal, the soul. This connection, this inner child, lives in the heart, this is your home. It is love and tenderness towards you.
            At the moment in which your body, your mind, your emotions are ruled from the heart and from the love towards yourself, at that moment is when you merge with your inner child and you are a single being. That's when you feel love, for yourself, for people and for everything around you. It is not an illusory love in which you feel above others, better or worse than anyone. It is not a mirage that disappears as soon as you face your own reality or that of others. It is the love that is born from the acceptance of your person, of humility, of value and recognition towards you, of tenderness towards you. And finding it within you, you find it in everything, in others, whether they are aware of it or not, whether they live it or not. Because even if we don't live it at a certain moment, it is there, it was always there.
            From another point of view, to feel the inner child is to stop, and discover what you feel, what you really want, what is your voice among all the voices in your mind. It is the care for your heart, your integrity, your humanity, your innocence, your smile, your desire to laugh, to share, to love and to create.
            So it does not matter the point from which we approach our inner child. From experiencing our essence as a being of energy, or experiencing our loving essence as a human being. It is the same with different names and different paths, the important thing about the path is that it leads to you.
The relationship with the inner child, what we think and what it really is
Imagine if it were possible to sit in front of the girl you were when you were two years old and look into her eyes. To achieve this, it is as simple as seeing you sitting on the floor in front of that girl. We would already be changing something: our attitude, the balance of our ego and our humility. And it really starts like that, sitting across from that girl. It is within everyone's reach, it is only necessary to stop for a moment.

Put at the moment of making this meeting, many times our head goes ahead thinking, anticipating what is going to be found: what will be the look of that child, what will be his feelings towards us. And it is curious how without ever stopping to think that we had a girl, an inner child, at that very moment in which we meet him (if we did not already know of his existence) we feel that we have the responsibility to take care of him.
The types of relationship that can arise after that first meeting can be very different:
– the person and your inner child is one heart, her love for herself and for others emerges from her eyes, her hands, her words, her actions.
– the person who feels, accepts, loves and values, that he enjoys seeing to your inner child full of life, playing with her, hugging her, listening to her, and little by little together they walk towards a single being, without duality, without separation.
– The person you love protects your girl, comforts her, accepts her, hugs her and kisses her. That he is already on the path of action, of taking care of the person he is, but who still does not feel capable or confident enough, and start by protecting and caring for your inner child. Sometimes this situation generates feelings of helplessness and frustration because you can feel that this girl needs care but you don't know how to provide it.
– The person who feels indifference towards his inner child: knowing of their existence, they feel no empathy or responsibility for their care.
– The person who drowns his inner child, who realizes the existence of that part of himself and wants to silence it in a vain and desperate attempt to be all that others have told her to be, to feel worthy of external love and acceptance. It is an attempt destined for suffering and failure, since even if there was the possibility of satisfying all those demands, it would be necessary to assess whether that person would be happy, since the voices of others respond to their own needs, not ours.
– The person who sees his inner child sad and does not feel worthy of presenting himself to her. He thinks that the child is not going to accept the adult that he is, that he is going to judge him. She feels guilt for everything she hasn't done for herself. But the truth is that the inner child does not criticize us, it does not feel disappointed by the person we are; and the sadness that we can see in those deep eyes responds to the emptiness and loneliness that exists in our lives. It is as if the roles were reversed, as if the child were the mother or the father, the loving, protective, patient, wise guide, and saw us, their little daughter/son, and felt immense love, understanding , concern for us. It is curious, because what is happening is not what we expected, since we are so used to judging ourselves and being judged, that seeing the tenderness, the understanding towards us in the eyes of the child really surprises us.

            The inner child or girl helps us recognize our own voice. To strip ourselves of everything that we are not. He takes us by the hand (and not the other way around) towards ourselves so that we can see through his eyes the person we are, and this means ALL the person we are: not only what we have already realized that we cannot hide from the girl's eyes (our masks, our wounds, our demands, our attachments) and that we show with a certain resignation and shame. Fortunately for our inner child, the vision of all that we are is not distorted and sees us as complete beings. That is why it is so special to see ourselves through their eyes:

          To see how much he loves us, that he accepts us whole, that he values even the smallest of our achievements, that he witnesses our efforts, our beauty, our enthusiasm, our ability to get up and try again, our tenderness, our camaraderie, our laughter. It is curious that sometimes, until you look into the eyes of your inner child, you are not aware of what she sees in you.
            Over time, the relationship with our inner child can change, and go through different stages. What really does not change is that the integrity and love of our child for us is permanent.
            Said this way, it seems that there are only happy things inside us, our child is happy waiting for us. No wounds? Of course there are. We have been taught since childhood to pay more attention to wounds than to anything else. In this way we create an unreal vision of ourselves, and from this vision we relate to ourselves and to the world. We think, and have become accustomed to feeling, that we are people with many "spots-defects-imperfections-wounds", but If we could see ourselves in the totality of our being, we would contemplate how much beauty and harmony we have, and that those "stains" cannot and will never dim our inner light, we just have to remember this. Therefore, the first trip towards you should be to your tenderness, to your self-love, and there, where you find a little bit, stay until it grows enough, so that you feel the confidence and strength that this positive encounter gives you, and then you will be ready to take care of your wounds, with delicacy, or of those things about yourself that you notice that limit your freedom, the expression of your being.
            Do not fight with your "stains", because they are also an expression of you, a learning, an experience, and they can be a way through which you walk towards your freedom. In addition, the supposed "stains" are part of your whole being, in the unrepeatable, precious and brave way that you have chosen to be in the world. That is why when you have already integrated them, do not hide their scar, their existence, because they are part of your uniqueness and beauty.
            If these words resonate within you, look if you want a moment for yourself, feel how your body breathes, listen to how your heart beats, and there, in your heart, imagine a warm and pleasant space where you see yourself sitting. Ask, visualize, feel, call your inner girl. You see in front of you a little person of 2 years. Look her in the eye, without presupposing. Connect your gaze with his... This is the beginning of a great adventure, enjoy it.