– Can you see now that one of the causes of all the problems of man is the enormous emptiness he feels?
– Search foolishly and madly for something to fill it. You feel worthless, incomplete, dissatisfied, scared...
– Feels alone, helpless, lost, repressed, rejected, judged and criticized.
– And what moves his life is the need to fill that void at any cost. But you say you're looking in the wrong place.
- That's how it is.
He works like a madman, neglecting his health, his family and his relationships because he believes that when he achieves what he set out to do, he will finally feel good about himself.
He drinks, he uses drugs because for a few moments, it feels good. These substances artificially dissolve the repressions that were imposed on him and he feels more confident, more courageous, he dares to do things that he cannot do when sober.
He overeats and is fat because food is a substitute for love and his fatness is a layer of fat that protects him. The one who smokes does the same thing, the cigarette replaces his mother's breasts and smoke is food, poisoned, but food nonetheless.
He becomes a womanizer, just to prove himself. To confirm himself as a human being and as a “man”.
He clings to conflictive relationships because he thinks he needs the other to be okay.
He accumulates as much money and power as he can, no matter the price, and he doesn't realize that his void isn't even a little filled.
He becomes a fanatic of his religion and does not find comfort there either because his god also rejects him, turns him against himself, does not lower him as a sinner, as a sheep, he demands things of him that he cannot achieve.
– And from that emptiness also come dishonesty, greed, indifference.
- Of course! The man does not respect himself. And how could I do it? Since childhood they have instilled in him that he is worthless, that he is nobody, that he will never achieve anything in life. – He who does not respect himself, does not respect others.
He who does not love himself now cannot love others.
– They are now talking about a crisis of values. What happens is that man has been instilled with a total mistrust of himself. Social "values" are imposed by force and, something imposed from outside, is not respected.
For an ethical or moral code to be valid, it must come from the heart and conscience of those who intend to follow it. It must be born out of respect and love for oneself, not from imposition and fear of punishment.
- I get it. If I respect myself, I won't steal, I won't cheat, I won't mistreat others, and I won't because I have come to that conclusion myself.
– And as the human being sees, that no matter how much effort he makes, he continues to feel bad about himself, he feels desperate. Work more, drink more, have more destructive relationships, accumulate more…
– Another vicious circle.
– And, as it is, everyone takes advantage of him. Advertisers selling you things you don't need, political leaders running the masses at will; religious leaders gaining more money and power.
– I'm remembering now you want people who appear on TV and predict the future and read the cards. Sure they make lots of money taking advantage of how lost people feel.
– And what about the sects and the preachers? Those also earn sacks of money using, with your pardon... the idiocy in which people are submerged.
– Hey and what about those who sell books and courses to be excellent and highly effective?
– Those who sell formulas and soaps that make you lose weight miraculously?
- LOL. Without dieting or exercising. And what about network marketing companies that sell motivation and expensive products with the promise of making you rich.
– That, and what about all those who talk about regressions to other lives and all the urban shamans, the charlatan healers and those who do your horoscope?
– Ha, ha, ha, and what about all that newage movement with its metaphysical explanations of angels, crystals, magnets and masters of light and colors?
– Heh, heh, heh, and those who sell amulets or do witchcraft “work”?
- Very good! “tie up the love of your life” or “become irresistible to the opposite sex.” Hears! Those who sell products to lengthen the penis, or girdles to lower the belly.
– Of course. The ones that sell products to make your hair grow again or to make it last all night.
– Skin whitening creams and hair dye products. Blondes want to be brunettes, brunettes redheads, whites, tanned...
– Hey! And what about the political leaders who send young people to die and kill speaking of honor and duty and I don't know how many idiots?
– You got serious.
– Do you understand now that man can be brutally manipulated and deceived by that emptiness that is the only and true cause of his dissatisfaction?
– I understand perfectly. Nobody can sell a person who feels good about themselves something they don't need, and a person who is happy with their life won't do anything that puts them at risk.
We are like a bunch of beggars. Beggars begging for the approval and love of others. Pretending that "something" or "someone" makes us feel a little better.
“That's what you've been led to believe. This is how they have manipulated man since this society began. The reality is quite another:
The truth is that you are an emperor. You were born perfect and you still are. You were not born tainted by any sin. There is no need to change, to improve, to achieve anything, or to prove anything to anyone.
You do not need to follow others and the only valid rules for you are the ones that you yourself decide to follow and that have arisen from your love for yourself and for life and from your alertness.
You don't need anyone to guide you, you are an expert in your own life. You are the beginning and end of your existence. You are the center of your own universe. In you is everything you need and all the answers.
The love of existence for you is totally and absolutely unconditional.
How do I explain it to you?
Existence loves you, loves you deeply because you exist, because you are part of it. You don't have to do anything to be loved and that not only means that all your needs will be met but also all your desires.
To receive his love, you just need to relax and trust in life, let go and stop wanting to control everything. Open your heart to all his gifts.
You need to trust yourself, and recognize that you are existence. Without you, this world would be incomplete, something would be missing: a miracle, a wonderful being.
– That is so beautiful but… it is very difficult for me to feel it in my heart – I told him wanting to cry, recognizing the truth in what he told me and feeling compassion for myself.
– Of course it's hard for you. In your life no one has accepted you. No one has ever told you that just the way you are, you're perfectly fine. No one has taught you to relax into what you are and what reality is.
You have been told that you have to fight to get ahead, work to earn a name, become someone in life.
You live in fear because you don't trust existence, that's why you save and accumulate, in case tomorrow you no longer have the capacity to satisfy your needs; that's why you ask and ask in your prayers, as if you knew better what you need or as if life had forgotten to take care of you and you had to remind it; that's why you want to control everything, you are not able to relax and accept what life presents you.
No one has ever told you that you are the master of your own life. You were educated in self-rejection, in fear, in conditioned love. From the beginning you were taught to distract yourself from yourself. That is the other cause of all man's problems:

Focus all your attention outward, toward the external. That's what makes him a beggar.