Let's talk briefly about the eight keys. What exactly do we want from life? When you know where you stand, where you are going, you should use the following eight keys.


The first key is enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm comes from the Greek entheos, which means enthe: within and theos: God. Ancient Greek culture asserts that every enthusiastic person carried the spirit of god within him.   
We have observed that those who achieve everything they set out to show an attitude 

"Enthusiasm is not everything, but it is the key that unlocks everything."

Get excited. This is one of my recommendations to my seminar attendees. If someone asks: "Why?", I answer: well, for nothing; If you get depressed for nothing, you will not get excited for nothing. Get excited about your goals. Learn to motivate yourself like children do, which always maintains a lot of energy, a lot of enthusiasm. Why? Because your physical, mental and spiritual state is healthy; they have not been subjected to programming, neither good nor bad. Learn from them."