If for a moment you could see the list of all your daily thoughts, you would be amazed. Would you even believe that someone reaches think for you in your mind. Many of the dominant arguments that are part of your mental repertoire are probably expressed in a negative way. To make matters worse, we repeat ninety percent of the thoughts of the day before. And so every day.
Do you understand why so many things go wrong?
The word "energy" is a good term to define thought. In fact, everything in the world -both material and immaterial- is energy that adopts different levels of vibration.
Each thought creates ripples similar to those that form on water when a stone falls on its surface. Those waves are expanding creative energy and as the thoughts are, so will be the experiences they create. This chemistry of thought ends up somehow determining the quality of our next experiences.
A thought is energy that moves.
Thus, life is neither more nor less than fictionalized story of the interior representations. In a way we are the scriptwriters of our own soap opera We are victims and at the same time the origin of many of the problems we face; but, luckily, its solution is in our hands.
When people don't get what they want out of life, they logically feel let down. That dissatisfaction feeds back into the limitation, unless the beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that sustain it are changed.
If you can't change the world and the people -which you can't-, correct the way you perceive them. In a way, that is transformed within you!
"Change your life by changing your mind": this is the most wonderful discovery of all.
Check it. By modifying the internal world, the external world (what you call reality) is transformed, because everything ends up becoming infected little by little with our thoughts.
New and revolutionary ideas have made humanity progress throughout history. And they teach us that the key to every discovery is to look at the object of the investigation with new eyes. When the new idea is accepted, it changes the mentality of an entire civilization and humanity progresses with it. "Paradigm" is the way you see the world. And in every paradigm shift you transform “your world”.
On a simpler, more personal level, something similar happens. It seems too simple to work, but it works.
Now you know that only if you look at things in a different way from how you saw them until today, will they show you completely different aspects than yesterday. In other words: you cannot expect new things to happen in your life if you do what you always do and are the same as always. Do you see where the error is?
The mind works ten percent consciously and ninety percent subconsciously. But if you know how to focus your thinking, you will modify your subconscious beliefs.
How to give instructions to the subconscious? Through autosuggestion: believing what you want to believe. Use the affirmations and repeat them until they become true. And when you learn to influence your subconscious in a way that works for you, you will be multiplying your possibilities. You will be able to generate prosperity in all senses, and this by virtue of the principle that affirms that each thought has an impact on the person who has elaborated it. Thus, when you learn to think in terms of abundance, your mind will generate prosperity.
The subconscious works on the material provided by the conscious mind. He accepts everything that is said to him without making distinctions. And it limits itself to doing its job: invigorating thoughts and transmuting their energy.
Daydream, rehearse success in your imagination.
People grow according to size Of your dreams. And our spiritual stature grows with the thoughts we put into our minds. So enlarge your dreams and put them on a big screen. It's time to review your movie preferred.
Big dreams, big successes.

To be continue…
