When you learn to think and “learn to learn”, your possibilities multiply. That's something they didn't teach us in school. From almost everything we learned when we were little you can draw the same conclusion. It is as if you have been taught to repair the washing machine, but not to use it. What good is that to you?
There is no action of teaching, but the ability to help learn. Transferring old knowledge from one mind to another does not bring anything new to the planet; however, developing people's abilities brings out their creativity. And the world moves with her.
You can read many books like this, but if after reading you do not reflect what you have learned in the daily events of life, reading will not help.
Having thoughts is very different from reasoning, just as memorizing is different from learning. It is the same difference between the fish and the act of fishing.
The culture of companies has changed, and today those who know many things are not valued so much, but rather those who are able to catch up. And this is so because everything in the world changes very quickly. In that environment, what you have learned does not count so much as your ability to adapt to the new.
The important thing is not "what you know", but "what you do with what you know". In fact, large companies pay their executives very well for "what they do with their knowledge," not just for "their knowledge."
Surely, you have limitations that you are not aware of and you face problems without knowing that you are facing them. When you identify the difficulties that chain you, you can begin to free yourself from them. You can't go from one place to another dragging those heavy chains that hold your feet.
The thoughts, beliefs and emotions -which house the mind and heart- define the state of consciousness of abundance and also that of scarcity. That is, everything that establishes the present position.
Do you know where to start?
First know your present state, then define the desired state. Identify the wishes of your heart. And then it acts to reduce the difference between the present state and the desired state. The longest journey begins with a single step. You might not get there, but you can get real close.
Look at Nature: it overflows with harmony. And that is why abundance is the rule that manifests itself in a subtle and almost miraculous way. Since the beginning of time, Nature has managed to adapt life on the planet to changing situations in the environment. It does the job perfectly. It is intelligence in action.
That wisdom that directs and organizes everything will supply you with what you need at every moment. That is his will, because do not forget that he was the one who gave you life one day.
The abundance of the Universe manifests itself in the creative energy of Nature as we offer what we need. As you are part of it, you can too
participate in the creative process.
participate in the creative process.
"Something does we don't know what." And thanks to this, life recreates itself and never stops.
The small planet we live on is an oasis in the middle of the solar system. If man tried to create something similar, he would simply fail.
Attend to the silent work of Nature; You will see that it offers immense rewards to those who know how to appreciate them. Meet with her often, because she has a lot to tell you:
Walk through a forest
Listen to their rumors
hug a tree,
touch the water,
Smell the earth
Breathe the sky
Count the stars and name one of them.
Keep it.
All of that is abundance at your disposal.
The best example of abundance that I know of is the sky. It has no beginning or end. We do not know when it was created or if it will ever disappear. The truth is that it belongs to all of us equally. Nature teaches us that you can have everything without having anything.
I like to think that each person on the planet can keep a star… and there will still be plenty! I believe that, just like their peer in the sky, each human being shines and flickers with their own light.