Success is preceded by a string of small failures. I would like to be able to assure that it is otherwise, but I would not say the truth.
When things go wrong, you are not alone; God is carrying you in his arms to protect you. But he also wants you to see with clarity and perspective how your life is going from that position so that you can reflect.
Every time you make a mistake it is due to some reason. Review your plan and you will see that when something goes wrong, it is not due to bad luck or misfortune.
You are paying the toll for having taken a wrong path. And life makes you notice it with a stumble. That setback prepares you for another new attempt, perhaps that of success. A failure is the summary of the information needed to improve the new attempt. For that reason, I always claim that a mistake is the right answer to a wrong question.
At first, all adversity seems like a definitive blow, but soon after it becomes temporary unless you insist otherwise. Misfortune and fortune will pass because in the Universe nothing remains.
At first, the problems become a mountain. Later the way to scale it is found. It's always the same: all the problems seem big at first, but then the way to deal with them comes up and the mountain turns out to be a hill. And how beautiful is the landscape from up there!
Forgive yourself for having made so many mistakes in your life; we all make them. Include the verb "fail" in your vocabulary and learn to bear it, even if you don't get used to using it. And rejoice in the way your mistakes have made you grow and prosper spiritually.
Adversities make us stronger.
I'd rather make a small mistake than do nothing. Act, even at the risk of being wrong. You are not perfect, nor will the day come when you will be.
Don't obsess over the possibility of making a mistake and the occasional failure. Fortunately or unfortunately, both will arrive at some point. He thinks that making mistakes is part of the human experience.
When that happens, smile because you are not perfect; neither are the others.
Many people never got over a first blow and accepted a first fall as a final defeat; only a few tried again, because they understood that not getting it right on the first try is something natural. Shortly thereafter they were successful. The pity is that there is a huge disproportion between both groups of people.
Do not obsess if you do not get it, because that is also for your highest good. Review the wishes that resulted in disappointments. If they failed it was because no one needed that; not even you Maybe not yet, but someday you will understand. we were wrong
when the sense of direction is inappropriate for our personal learning process.
Subtle, isn't it?
When you make your choice, the Universe starts to offer you a new lesson: move the piece and wait for your reaction.
Whoever has a prosperous mentality knows that he will face certain difficulties, but he also knows that he will solve them in due course. He knows very well all the errors that can be in a task because he made them -one by one- before.
Nurturing self-confidence is very important, since the problem is not as important as how you react to it. A problem faced with the correct attitude is a difficulty almost solved.
You don't always win, but I want you to know that you can always win. Everything is possible at the right time. After all, today man is capable of doing many things that some time ago were impossible.
"Impossible" is a word I advise against using.
When you don't know how to do something, you end up labeling it "impossible." But over time, someone able to do it appears and, after a while, it becomes something normal, "what everyone knows". And so he loses that ridiculous label.
When an athlete establishes a record, in the following training sessions someone emerges who surpasses it, and the rest of his colleagues soon match it. When the "impossible" becomes "possible", it is possible for everyone.
Where some see an impossibility, others see a possibility.
The prosperous mind does not parcel out the field of possibilities with limiting words. Nor does he ask others, since it could happen that they do not listen, nor does he shrink from inconveniences. It makes things happen.
And yes, it's true: sometimes you arrive last at the finish line. We all lose sometimes. But sometimes it's good to lose. Things happen for a reason. Not now, but in time you will know why.
That's life: sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. And in both cases, almost nothing ever happens.
Ultimately, what happens to us is for our highest spiritual good. As the well-known adage says: “We are spiritual beings in the midst of a material experience. And not the other way around, although it may seem so.