Praise yourself for your ability to pay the month's bills. Each one of them means that someone trusted you and your ability to attend to them at the time.
Confidence is the intangible element of wealth.
Every time someone puts their trust in you, you prosper, because you get an invisible wealth. Life also gives you "credit" and gives you the potentiality of all possibilities.
Don't let them down. They trust you, but what about you? Self-confident people have faith in their ability to get what they need in the moment. They feel confident that they can achieve their wishes, whatever their starting position.
They are able to anticipate the emotion, to feel it as if it were real, and then that happens.
There are those who have a lot of money and at the same time have a poor mentality. They keep their money in safe deposit boxes, where it is out of reach of everyone, including themselves! They have money, but not to spend it nor to invest it. They lock it up and thus stop the flow of abundance. They don't enjoy it.
They only use it to put themselves above others and to compensate for their insecurity. But even so, they are afraid of losing it!
These people may be rich, but they are not prosperous. You know why? Because they cling to their money in the belief that if they let it go they will never own it again. And so it is.
In some cases, the money made them rich momentarily, but when they spent their wealth and that money was put back into circulation, they returned to their previous position.
Those who are prosperous feel a security that has nothing to do with the amount of money they have in their bank account, since they trust their ability to generate more when necessary. Your true wealth follows you wherever you go because it is part of your mental baggage. Prosperity enables you to win over and over again; that is something very different from wealth.
He who has a sack of fish is rich, but he who has skill with a fishing rod is prosperous.
Expressing this thought in another way: if pose is money you don't have to be prosperous, but if you are prosperous you will end up having money.
Praise yourself for spending so much money. That allowed you to improve your quality of life and obtain comforts. If you hadn't paid it, someone wouldn't have received it. We exchange collections and payments. Remember that you received it one day because someone also spent it in turn.
Prosperity is circulation: giving and receiving. Three examples? We call the flow of wealth "liquidity" because it represents circulation; coins have two faces and two meanings: to give and to receive; and accountants call "current" a flow that leaves to return again.
Abundance is such because it flows.
A river is infinite as long as its course does not stop.
Prosperity is energy in action that flows like a river through our lives; Unless, of course, you insist otherwise.
Most economic problems can be solved not with a sum of money, as many people believe, but with a creative strategy: reducing expenses, looking for new income, deferring payments, compensating positions, obtaining advances, renegotiating, etc. That is, with imagination. And those who cultivate their imagination, usually always find a creative and appropriate response to any challenge.
Prosperous-minded businessmen know this perfectly and use terms like option, futures, swap, securitization, buyback… They work with increasingly imaginative concepts, behind which there is money, but that does not necessarily mean that they handle money.
When you face an economic problem, ask yourself what you need to solve it: Money or imagination?
There is an economic principle that states the following: "He who puts his money to work for him gets more than he who works for money."
How? It's simple: maximizing the satisfaction it produces and not aiming for more money.
What counts in life is the joy with which it is lived, since "we only take, from life, the life we lead".
Make a living or make a living?
That is a difficult question that everyone must answer. Everything is a matter of priorities. No amount of money can buy even a minute of time. That is something we already know. In the same way, you cannot buy happiness either, since happiness means, neither more nor less, love for life.
Ultimately, the concept of value is relative. The value of things is something very different from what they actually cost. If something is worth twice as much but you get it for half, you mentally devalue it. If it's worth nothing but it cost you a lot to get it, you revalue it inside.
If you price your own ideas low, no one will buy them because they won't see any value in them. Successful people add value to their work and that makes them valuable. They know that the value of what they offer is, on the one hand, double the value of their effort and, on the other, much higher than the value of what the person who buys it would know how to do by their own means.
Enthusiasm is a reflection of our appreciation of life. And the one who makes that estimate is always you. Only you can think in your mind and feel in your heart, because only you can live your life. Of all of them, the most important assessment is the one that measures the degree of satisfaction you feel every day.