Do the following in the morningñana early: stand in front of the largest mirror you have in your house (for example, the one in the bathroom).ño), since you need to see yourself without limitations. Once there, open your arms and say to life: «I am ready to receive what I want».
¿How do you feel after doing it? ¿Isn't it exciting to start the new day like this? One more time:
«I am ready to receive what I want».
¿Is not it wonderful? You just took the first step.
Since then, a process has been set in motion. You have sent a message to the center of the Universe. You will get an answer from the stars. It doesn't matter how or when: you needed to accept it and the Universe needed to know that you are open to receive it. They have finally agreed.
AñAdd other symbolic gestures to your life. Your subconscious will interpret them perfectly and work to make them a reality. Afterwards, the results will exceed expectations, will take on a life of their own, will overcome any obstacle and will be perpetuated.
¿Is it so simple? Yes it is, although this does not mean that it is easy, for the reason that it is first necessary to change some beliefs, which means, in turn, overcoming a series of natural and intrinsic resistances.
That first step, in front of the mirror, is followed by others.
Make your affirmations during the day. Repeat them - out loud or silently - when you drive, when you take a shower in the morning.ñana or when you relax having a coffee: «Life has created me to live it fully». «I am open to receive all the good things in life».
«I deserve a littleñor miracle».
Each of these statements is much more than a «band aid» on the old wounds of the heart. act like a prosperity pill and becomes a forecast of the near future.
Añadd other statements; choose those with which you feel better. Build your own beliefs in this way. Repeat them until you fix them in the subconscious.
Specify dates and figures. Use in your affirmations elements that indicate that it is something gradual, otherwise you would create inconsistencies, between the present state and the desired state, which the mind would reject. For example, use: «start to», «increasingly», «little by little I go», etc. and conjugate them in the present tense, since it is the only one that the subconscious understands.
To affirm means to make firm a purpose; It is a true statement of intent. In fact, affirmations are not something new in your life. We all do them daily -although without appreciating it- in our inner dialogue. The inner dialogue has the same voice which is now Reading this page.
Through the filter of language, we internalize the external world. Language is the vehicle of thought. That is why it is so important what expresses that voice inside.
Problems arise when we unconsciously do not filter the thoughts that we put into our minds, since many of the affirmations of our inner dialogue are formulated in the negative. They often contain expressions such as: «I do not can…», «never…», «someday…», «I have to…», «but…» either «should…». Those thoughts are roadblocks, dead ends and forbidden directions that impede the passage.
And the worst of all is that they are repeated almost daily. ¿Do you see where the difficulties begin?
Work on your inner dialogue by expressing it in a constructive way. Your subconscious will take note and get down to work. You will find a way to realize the purposes of the conscious mind. He doesn't care if what you say is real or not; accept it and somehow prepare your experiences accordingly. In fact, the subconscious does not work with the words, but with the meaning behind them.
Affirming is also what others tell us when we accept it and believe it wholeheartedly.
Check what comes to you, since not everything is true.
Have a constructive internal dialogue. After all, you've already heard countless negative statements from others or from your own.
when we were neitherños, we receive thousands and thousands of refusals. All those «It is not» They programmed many limitations that still remain in the subconscious today and that are summarized with those so helpful: «I do not can», «I am so», «I can't help it» either «so are the things».

Do not allow anything or anyone to make you feel less than you are; not even yourself.