No one finds it difficult to find reasons to postpone a task or abandon it half done. The list of excuses is very long. Meanwhile, difficulties seek us, wait for the right moment and come to meet us.
Difficulties await, crouching, their opportunity to enter the scene.
Some people have a horse start and a mule stops. They get excited quickly and just as quickly get discouraged after a short time. They don't finish anything. They start many things and do not finish any of them. These people spend more time saying what they are going to do than actually doing it. For this reason, many projects end up with an extrañor orphanage.
Other attempts do not come to fruition for fear of failure and especially criticism. We are in the same: ¿What is more important: what you do with your life, or the opinion of others? I already have my answer, and so do you.
After all, the time that passes while you do something is the same as that which will pass if you do nothing at all. That is unquestionable.
And the time it takes to complete a project that is not being worked on is infinite. That is indisputable.
Along the way, difficulties will certainly appear to put us to the test. At work, problems guarantee us employment, since, if everything were simple, they would not need someone to solve them. We would lose our jobs. In fact, the salary is fixed in proportion to the sizeñor problems to be solved. Both at work and outside of it, life tests us every day. And every day means every day.
Another fairly common mistake is entrusting yourself to luck. Leaving things in the hands of fortune or expecting them to resolve themselves is a strategy with very little chance of success.
Those who understand prosperity as a stroke of luck, sit in front of the door of their house to wait for theirs. That is why the world is full of people who wait with their arms crossed.
For me, a stroke of luck it is an opportunity that must be provoked, working, before and after. Alphabetically, the word «sweat» goes right before «luck». And that is what happens in all things: luck is preceded by sweat.
For this reason, when someone is prepared, they have, to a greater extent than someone who is not, what some call «luck». But it is not about luck as such: it is a question of preparation and opportunity.
Worrying is not preparing, it is visualizing the worst of possibilities and rejecting all others. Worry blocks reason and doesn't allow you to spot an opportunity when it comes; this is how sadly it is wasted. Whoever is preoccupied with a matter is not busy with it and therefore is not prepared.
Having a great idea is of little use if it is not translated into its material equivalent. It's not enough catch her; then you have to express it. All knowledge that is not applied to practice is sterile. For this reason, being very well prepared and not taking advantage of the opportunity when it presents itself is useless.
You should keep in mind that no idea is perfect at first. Someone said that good ideas «they come dressed in overalls». That means that, far from being irreproachable, they have to be modeled until they become something definitive. That custom with which they are presented usually causes only creative minds to identify them as authentic opportunities.
Ideas become powerful when they are magnetized with the enthusiasm of working on them.
And if working on them does not provoke any emotion, they will languish victims of disinterest and, little by little, with the passage of time, they will be buried in the outskirts of memory. An idea that is not mobilized with an action plan will evaporate without a trace and will never see the light of day.
In the subconscious there is an infinite amount of information and good ideas. Have confidence: good ideas will nest in the mind at the right time and in the right context. Providence lays out a carpet so that good ideas pass through it. ¿alone? Of course not. You must go behind pushing them.
Ideas are not at the other end of the pen or brush. They are inside you.
When you are going to prepare a good dinner, you do not lose your gaze in infinity while you wait for the inspiration that will help you find the ingredients. You go to the supermarket and fill the basket. Something similar happens with ideas: there is a supermarket of ideas inside you.
You just have to choose what you need.
All over the planet, countless people are generating great ideas every minute. Somehow all of that material is available on a shared level of consciousness. If we accept that our species has a common group mind, the best ideas may come from that vast shared database.
Wait your moment.
In the «Meanwhile» there is also much to do. It is a period of time to formulate questions and decipher the answers; recycle the old and open up to the new; clean up and empty drawers. The «Meanwhile» it is a period of time necessary to prepare yourself.
In life, the favorable moments that demand action alternate with those that require reflection and waiting.
There are days that are better than others; it's natural.

There is also mañrainy year and mañSunny days, the tide goes up and down... But when the sea is not conducive to fishing, the fisherman gathers himself to repair the net and thus prepares himself for when his time comes.