The Creative Spotlight
Whatever you focus your attention on expands. Your focus of attention is your creative tool based on this simple principle of six words:
These ten spotlights will illuminate your creative attention on the impossible and the possible. Let's see them:
1.       Your level of success is conditioned by your ability to make the impossible possible.
2.       Your impossible peak was possible before you called it impossible.
3.       Your summit is not impossible although the difficulties seem so.
4.       The first step to reaching your top is to stop believing in its impossibility.
5.       Difficulties seem to be in the world, but they are really in the mind.
6.       You move away from your peak when you deny it or ignore it. And you approach her when you affirm her.
7.   You will not reach your peak with good intentions, but by combining inner action and outer action.
8.       You don't have to understand to act; Act and you will understand.
9.       No one can understand what he has not yet done.
10.    Many paths lead to your summit, although you just have to find one.
As I am sure, you already know that inner action is necessary but it is not enough. Foreign action is necessary but not sufficient. Possible and impossible are the two sides of the same coin. What you think now will be your next truth, you are creating it now. Joe Vitale mentions in his The power of attraction (Obelisco Editions) an episode of Star Trek in which Spok visits a planet that Read your thoughts and believe them in reality! The earth is exactly like that planet. Rest assured, it is not a metaphor.
"Every dream is created twice: first you make it possible in the mind and then you make it real in the world." In its popular version: “Pray as if everything depended on God; then, work as if everything depended on you”. Amen.
A desire is pure potentiality in search of its manifestation. The universe recreates itself through our desires. Our creativity is an expression of your limitless ability to create. And the joy we feel when we manifest them reflects the unconscious memory of our connection with their infinity.
Let us descend to the level of metaphor.
A desire is the vehicle that leads us to the meta-desire (meta means: beyond...). In other words, we don't want anything in itself but long for the thrill it will give us. So, if my dream is to drive a convertible, what I probably want is the feeling of freedom, distinction, etc. Equally, no one wants money for itself but for what it can provide.
After years of asking people why they want what they want, I always find these same answers with little variation: being happy, satisfaction, fulfillment, inner peace. It doesn't matter what the desire is: to get a good job, lose weight, have a partner, or have a child... Ask yourself: Get what? and every answer you get, apply that same question over and over again. And you will see how you always get the same answers: happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, peace.
Meta-desire: the emotional desire behind the material desire
There is only one wish but with different disguises. Ask yourself: What will I get when I get it? And you will come to the same conclusion.
And what happens when I have desires that I don't really desire? That shortly after getting them you will realize that you didn't really want them.
a whim In other words, a desire without a goal—desire. Whimsy can't make you happy, all they can do is make up for not being happy.

Life is an endless game of desires where something much more important is played, the game of transformation. Wishing consists of: transforming ourselves to attract achievement, acting to confirm the inner transition, being grateful for what has been achieved and starting over. Each wish is the vehicle for a new transformation, and the will to play a bigger game next time. And each life, the vehicle of a God. The game starts again. And so the infinite consciousness, through a human being and his dreams, returns to itself.