Second part of “The method of fulfilled wishes” (Article 4)

Four precepts to keep in mind
The Dalai Lama once said that our ultimate goal is to be happy. And I believe him. Hallelujah! Isn't that a magnificent goal?
In the book, "Be your own Coach”, whose theme is related to this work, consists of daring to “live for a dream”.
The protagonist concludes the following:
1.  Every heart harbors a deep desire and, at the same time, has the key that opens it to reality. Questions imply answers; and to know them, requires a new level of consciousness. Giving time and energy to what the heart loves leads to occupying the right place in creation and knowing the meaning of life.
2.     When talent is combined with unflinching determination, achievement is guaranteed no matter how long it may take. Persistence is confidence in action making its way through difficulties; Or better yet, apart from them. Patience is the quality of those who trust no matter when.
3.     The whole life awaits the dreamer's intention. Once he manifests it, he supports the brave in spirit by organizing opportunities. In the universe, the forces that make a wish come true are: a) committed intent, b) focused attention and c) creative action.
4.     The means and the opportunities will be revealed at the right moment without being called luck or chance. The opportune moment is one in which the opportunities are not going to be spoiled or wasted. What happens on the subtle planes—not visible to the eye—determines what happens on the material plane. The invisible supports the visible.
Passion and Service.
What has made Starbucks, with a projection of forty thousand stores, the largest chain of coffee shops in the world? Read the book by its creator Howard Schultz. Put your heart into it (VS edits), and you'll find out how it all started. It is one of the most impressive success stories of the last decades. The example that a company can be lead with heart have soul and give benefits. Perhaps because I share that same philosophy, I have written part of this material in the cafeteria of my San Miguel de Allende, Gto.
Passion and commitment to service. It is the era of heart-to-heart business. Either you sign up for passion now or you don't.
Put your focus on what you love, give priority to service and you will have guaranteed success. I have not forgotten the advice I received: “Focus on what you offer rather than what you get. If you add utility to other people's lives, the success of the project is guaranteed. People like passion and service.”
Follow the steps of your heart. You can tell your mind what to think, but you can't tell your heart what to love. Go where your heart takes you, express yourself with his words, act from his wisdom. It is the center of your universe. “Does this road have a heart? If you have it, the road is good; if you don't have it, it's useless”. I didn't write it, Carlos Castaneda did it.
Embrace your purpose with commitment and devotion, what more interesting could you do with your life? If you do, you will achieve much more than you dreamed of. In the words of climber WN Murray: "The moment one commits, providence also makes a move." He climbed to its top. And what his words convey is something as old as it is true: "Your commitment restructures the entire universe."
When you put passion into your task, it becomes a profitable business. Passion for service pays off. But if you only think about making money, I assure you that it will become something really complicated. I don't expect you to agree to this at 100% but at least consider it. Money is the effect, remember that, and focusing on it hinders the causes.
Add passion and service to your mission, ask yourself some questions like: What does life ask of me? And not the other way around: What do I ask of life?
The basic idea is: the universe owes us nothing. He already did everything in his power: give us life. John F. Kennedy made this phrase famous: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for your country”, and raised an entire nation to its feet.
Now it's our (your) turn.
The power of the written word
The best suggestion I can give you, and not because I'm a writer, is this:
Put everything important in your life in writing.
Today we know that the word is not limited to describing reality, it literally helps to create it. How? We live in a world of vibration where like frequencies attract. The word contains the vibration of what is named. Simple, right? Writing makes what is written penetrate consciousness, soak it and attract its complementary material. The written word is a decree that crystallizes thought, makes it tangible, specific and "solidifies" it.
Decree your greatest good in writing and it will bless your life.
The best gift you can give yourself is a small notepad and use it to “think in writing”. Writing, is a metaphor, gives what is written the breath of life.
Get it from head to paper before it's forgotten. Don't you put in writing the contracts you sign? A purchase, a rent, a job, marriage and even a birth certificate are put in writing. And what about your dreams? Is there something more important than that? Why don't you put them in writing then?
You'd be surprised how many things you can create by putting them in writing. Things are created three times:
1.     In the mind
2.     On the paper.
3.     In the reality
Make it possible on paper; once it is a possibility, it only remains to make it real. Sounds simple, right?… although not easy. It doesn't matter, do it anyway.
EITHER  Even if it's a big job.
EITHER  Although no one understands you.
EITHER  Although it takes time.
EITHER  Although it is risky.
EITHER  Even if your patience runs out.
EITHER  Even if it's crazy.
EITHER  …Precisely for this reason it is worth it.
Once you have created it in your mind, you only need the means to create it in reality. But I can assure you that the latter is half, or even less, of the total. Matter of details...


Fraternally, Manuel Morin