Third part of “The Wishes Fulfilled Method” (Article 3)

Get involved or commit?: the big difference
Some people are involved in their own life but not committed to it. There is a big difference. The average person believes that their experiences are due to chance. He thinks that things just happen and that the only thing he can do is react in the best possible way. He is the actor but not the director of his own play. She believes in destiny, luck, or maybe karma, she ignores that she is her own destiny.
I am sure you are aware that the word “commitment” is very rare nowadays. It is conspicuous by its absence in many vocabularies.
But I love these two words: full commitment. The spiritual meaning I give to this word is "agreement". And when the soul establishes an agreement with the universe, it fulfills its part.
If the day comes when your heart is not one hundred percent in what you do, perhaps the time has come to ask yourself if you put your time and energy where you shouldn't.
People who do not achieve their goals are not due to lack of talent, but due to their low level of commitment. People who don't commit have problems.
Analogy: the level of commitment makes the difference between advancing at the speed of a Ferrari or that of the old “vochito”.
What I have verified is that people committed think differently than people involved.These are some of the references in the mental patterns that both groups of people manage:
       Committed people never feel like victims; those involved always feel responsible.
       Committed people are constantly learning.Those involved believe they already know how much there is to know.
       Committed people don't play the "blame game."in which those involved are true professionals.
       Committed people draw strength from their commitment. Those involved need constant external motivation.
       Committed people live satisfied. Those involved are so dissatisfied that they need a lot of compensation.
       Committed people focus on what they offer. Those involved focus on what they get.
       Committed people rise above their difficulties. Those involved stop at the slightest inconvenience.
       Committed people generate solutions; those involved, problems.
       Committed people believe what they believe. Those involved seek confirmation of what they would like to believe.
       Committed people relate to committed people. Those involved mix with people equally unmotivated to be able to complain.
       Committed people act before they figure out how to get what they want. The people involved wait to know all the "how" before starting.
       Committed people never use silly words like; "difficult" or "easy"”. Those involved use these labels and always choose the "easy".
       Committed people think big and act accordingly.Those involved think small and act insufficiently.
       Committed people seek achievement and go for it.Those involved avoid the loss and flee from it.
In short, they think in a different way, they know different things and they act on another level. Not surprisingly, their results differ greatly.
the inner achievement
The concept of "inner game" it is one of the most valuable lessons I have received while working on building my own dream. With that name or another, consciously or not, it is a concept managed by elite athletes, successful businessmen, talented artists and highly effective people in their lives and professions.
Oddly enough, some people defeat themselves. And sports coaches know that defeats occur in "the inner game"
The concept of "inner game" it was coined by Timothy Gallwey. As a good coach, he knew that inner achievement is prior to achieving the goal, not only in sports, but also personally and professionally.
When we attend a sports competition, we are actually witnessing two games: with himself —it is waged by each participant inside him— and with his opponent— it is reflected in the scoreboard—. Athletes know that to get on the podium, you have to win before "the inner game" – (usually the hardest). It is what is known in the world of sports as developing "winning mindset"Today high-performance athletes rely on psychologists to create a winning mentality.
Nobody conceives a team or an athlete without a coach. On a personal level, however, few people seek the help of a Coach professional, even dealing with a much more imposing subject.
when you choose your Coach be selective. It examines your qualification not based on your degrees, certificates and diplomas, but based on your level of excellence in your industry. Would you hire a loser to help you succeed? And a broke person to plan your finances? Of course not: you'd be looking for someone who was bloody good.
My suggestion: before choosing your Coach, your mentor or your therapist, investigate, listen to what your environment says: reality never deceives, It seems obvious, but the minimum inquiries of the people in whom trust is deposited are rarely made. On more than one occasion, a client has confessed to me that a therapist he went to for help burst into tears during a session when telling him about his personal misfortunes; it just wasn't an example of his own words.

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