Observation is the starting key to achieve the awakening of Consciousness. We should not confuse the terms "think" and "observe".

Thinking is an active state. When you think, you create, you reason, you reflect, you consider, you compare, you judge, you decide, you choose, and you reach conclusions.

Observing is a passive state. When you observe yourself, you become the witness of your own actions, there is inner silence, everything is carefully examined and you look at yourself without judging. When one achieves a deeper state of observation, one enters a level of contemplation and peace.
When we are observing, the chatter of the mind is silenced, because our attention is focused on observing what is happening at that moment.

Observation allows us to know ourselves, the attention is focused to realize what we think, what we feel and how we act.
It is important to understand that when you observe, you do not judge. It is only gathering information that will help us.

We learn more from observation than from the experiences we live.

In order to change something in you, you must know what is happening, reason about it, place it in the present and define the intention in order to work.

When the attention is awake and something disturbs us, we must immediately stop and stop judging or judging ourselves, to know the origin of that discomfort, face it and ask ourselves: what should I learn from this and what should I change to be able to return to balance me?

Everything negative that comes from the result of unconscious thoughts and false beliefs with which all those institutions that handle power in the world manipulate us collectively, including and using fear to dominate us.

If we want to feel God within us, we must focus on all that is good, because God is in what is good, not resentment or worry.

When something overwhelms or anguishes us, we enter the divine space that exists in us and comfort and peace will immediately come. From there you can clearly see the solution of the problems.

For us the impossible does not exist, since we are little Sparks of God.

First steps to observe me
1. Realize what I am thinking.
2. Realize what I am feeling.
3. Realize what the environment in which I am living is like.
4. Realize what I am doing and decide where I want to go 
5. Be aware of the people who live and act around me.
6. Become aware of the internal dialogue that I have with myself, to find out what I constantly repeat to myself in silence. (This attitude induces you to act in a positive or negative way, because you are giving orders, through thought, to your cells, to your body that reacts and to your emotions).

Don't get distracted again, because you will fall asleep again.

Watch yourself!
Sit down!
Listen to you!