– We said at the beginning that you can focus your attention in two directions: inwards and outwards. We also said that living from the ego is pretending, acting and manipulating. Well, focusing on the external, manipulating or not being authentic, takes you away from your center. All your energy goes out because you believe that what will validate you is there, far from you, in the future. Any attitude that takes you away from your center is an abandonment of yourself.
– But, in this society we are all focused on the external…
- That's how it is. Ours is a society that promotes the abandonment of ourselves.
Our political, religious and corporate leaders want people who are distracted, dumbfounded, easily manipulated, pushy, without personal power, without a center.
Pay attention to the ads, you will notice that everything they sell is for the EGO: Something that will make you look, hear, feel or look better. Something external that you can relate to what you think you are for inflate that image you present to others. And once you have done an analysis of the advertising… please throw the damn TVThrough the window. This is the most powerful manipulation weapon ever invented, it is just the means by which you were hypnotized, bewitched, keep your children away from it and avoid them a life of disability and dissatisfaction.
In religion it is the same. There and then there is a prize for you if you behave as you are told. The divine is there in the sky, sitting on a cloud and it has nothing to do with you, it is another person.
– And reincarnation?
– Oh! Reincarnation… Now it turns out that life is a kind of self-improvement program and the prize is what they call enlightenment! Same message: you're screwed, but if you work hard and do what you're told, one day you'll reach nirvana. There and then...
– I find it incredible that political and religious leaders and corporations insist on their domination and manipulation.
either   What do not realize that this is no longer enough?
either   How is it possible that they put their interests first than the well-being of all?
either   How much power and money is enough?
It looks like a conspiracy. A few keeping all of humanity distracted, dumbed down, chasing what they don't need, dissatisfied, unhappy and hypnotized.

– Organizations and corporations are a reflection of our state of consciousness. They are an exaggerated version of our own ego. If we were to do a personality test on Coca Cola, it would turn out that he is a psychopath who does not have the slightest consideration for his fellow men, that the only thing he seeks is the exaggerated gratification of desires out of control, that he shits in his own house and destroys to his family and his own environment. And the same test for a political party would give us as a result a mythomaniac, narcissist, self-centered with delusions of persecution and a sociopath without the slightest consideration for those around him.