accept what is
A lot of personal energy and power goes into resisting what already is. The mind believes that in order to change what it doesn't like, it needs to complain, complain, get angry and go against it. Your dissatisfaction with life is part of this resistance. A part of you believes that if you accept things as they are you will be trapped in your circumstances. The reality is that this resistance is not only futile but counterproductive. The energy used in resisting and creating unhappiness may well be used to search for solutions and answers.
Accepting is not resigning, it is rather to stop creating suffering. It is when we stop resisting that we open the door to creativity.
learn to be alone
When you have a center you enjoy your own company, you have a good time with yourself and you don't have that urgent need to be with someone. If you know how to be alone, you can be authentic and express yourself freely in your relationships without fear of rejection or abandonment.
Creating a center in you will allow you to set limits in your relationships, which is an essential requirement to be respected and taken into account.
dare to feel
Behind the manipulative roles and games is the fear of feeling. We keep our relationships superficial for fear of making contact with the other and that they discover what we really think and feel. What is behind addictions is also the fear of feeling.
If you dare to feel and show yourself, you go beyond the ego and the superficial towards your authentic being, towards your center. On the outside, being vulnerable can be confused with weakness, however, pretending, compensating and putting up with it come from fear and therefore are actually signs of weakness.

To dare to feel is to go inward, beyond the mask. All your emotions are manifestations of who you are and if you give them space to happen, you allow yourself to really know yourself.