Prosperity is a state of consciousness that means much more than having money and material goods. It includes both external and internal wealth. It's a mind game that sets you up to win over and over again. And the only one who can create that state is yourself.
In fact, prosperity is a very broad term that includes all kinds of abundance: spiritual, mental and material. And as such, it manifests itself in all aspects. It reflects much more than a financial situation and therefore cannot be reduced to a balance nor can it be valued by figures.
We can, therefore, be prosperous with respect to anything. The concept of "total prosperity" is a very broad term that includes, among other things: health, love, work, energy, free time, friendship, joy, well-being, enthusiasm, creativity, wisdom, good humor, gratitude, harmony, serenity, compassion, the money, etc. The list is as long as you decide.
Among all, our greatest wealth consists in becoming the people we want to be and living the life we want to live or, in other words, in achieving spiritual prosperity, which is, nothing more or less, anything that spreads the soul of happiness
Success is a ladder with many steps; at a given moment we can stumble and roll down it, although it can also lead us to the top. But during the time you are on this planet, the fundamental thing is the love that you can offer to others, much more than your ascents or descents on that ladder.
Success is a process and, as in any process, we first establish an objective and an action plan to then act and add emotion and illusion. One event leads to another, one action interferes with another, and then something more important happens. Due to this synchrony, one event causes another, so there is no such thing as chance. This is how the results come, not by luck or chance.
We all experience coincidences from time to time, but only some are significant; that is, far from being casual, they have a profound meaning. We call them "synchronicities."
Synchronistic coincidences cannot be provoked, they never leave us indifferent, they attract powerful attention, they are often symbolic and occur at a time when a change of course is necessary.
Synchronicities attract the people and events we need into our lives.
Success is not a casual event, it is a state of mind of satisfaction that you must create day by day. For that reason it is not a destination, but a more or less long journey. And when someone has prosperity, they are traveling on that path. In any case, you should know that nothing is ever achieved alone, although it may seem so. The medal worn by the winner should shine on many lapels.
You alone do not get anything.
The Universe collaborates with you by providing you with the opportunities, first, and the means, later. When you take your place in the Universe and do what you should do, a chain reaction and, by contagion, everything starts to work. Prosperity is a snowball that grows and grows when you roll it. When we find ourselves in a situation like that, we say that "we are on a roll"; what actually happens is that the synergies, when we work as a team, are multiplying.
Aren't you glad to know that you're not alone in this? Never allow yourself to "die of success"; always remember where you come from. Arrogance comes back, at some point in life, in the form of a humility cure. We all know an example.
Don't make the mistake of comparing yourself to anyone else either. "Better" and "Worse" are, in all cases, a labels very relative. Do not put them on anyone. Everyone has priorities in life that are different from everyone else's. People are different. And that's what makes our relationships so interesting.
I believe more in the spiritual connotation of the word "success" than in the material one. For me, that term represents the satisfaction that comes from catching a dream, and not because of the recognition of others.
Immediate success is rare. The prelude to success is always organized work on an effective action plan. Nor is it the result of a "lucky stroke"; it is more appropriate to compare it to the task that is carried out behind the scenes until the stage is finally stepped on.
Spectators attend the play, but they will never know how hard the rehearsals were.
It is not enough to wish.
You can wish with all your heart to get to the top, but if you don't climb the next rung you will still be at the bottom of the ladder. Desire alone is never enough; It is also necessary to have the mental state of confidence and conviction to promote an action plan with guarantees.
What is your attitude? Proactive or reactive?
Who is proactive has initiatives and acts. He is able to do and to get others do. They are the most valued people in the environment of companies that need to grow and prosper.
A reactive person just lets go without changing events. It is not going anywhere, it is drifting and in tow of the others.
I want you to know that you never lose unless you call the game over and accept a loss as final. In the Stock Market, shares go up and down every day; but the shareholder neither loses nor gains until he gives the order to sell.
Catching dreams is not reserved for a few.
I don't know too many “dream hunters”, but that doesn't mean the season isn't open to everyone. What happens is that most people tend to give up after the first setback. They get up from the game table and end the game with a loss. They end the game. And they lament because life has given them some bad cards. The "abandonment" is the game played by the majority.
A minority keep trying after a first fall. It is the minority that has learned to get up again and again; are the people who continue the game, even with bad cards, because they love to play. You will have already guessed that in this metaphor "play" means "live".