You already know two of your best allies: your subconscious and the field of potentiality that we call Universal Intelligence. Now I will mention the third of your allies: your fellow men.
Learn to be in harmony with the people around you. Remember that the most important thing in life are the beings we meet along the way, since everything important that happens to us has to do with others.
Your fellow men will support you as long as you enter into harmony with them. Kind hearts recognize each other and become friends. And then they have the opportunity to establish the most important bond between two beings: trust.
The energies that come together produce synergies that multiply the results that would be obtained in the case of acting alone and separately. Thanks to these synergies, one plus one equals three, and sometimes even four.
Harmony and trust between people are essential factors to generate abundance, because they activate the switch of synergies.
There is another very important concept that must be taken into account: «empathy». It means putting yourself in someone else's shoes, that is, knowing how to interpret the feelings of others and, consequently, accept them, whether you like them or not, in a sincere way. It is the key that opens the most jealously closed hearts.
Work real miracles.
The point is not to treat them as you would like to be treated, but to find out how they want to be treated. You already know what you expect from others, but ¿Do you know what they expect of you? Put yourself in his place and you will know.
you will understand many «because S».
The leader is a true expert in people, who does not necessarily know everything that has to be done, but is clear about how to surround himself with those who will know how to do it and, in addition, motivates them. He is enthusiastic about a project and makes his example spread.
In organizations, people with a high emotional quotient -intelligence index of the heart- are at the top of the organizational chart, above those who have a high IQ -intelligence index of the mind-.
It's your turn. You have some tools - visualize, affirm and write the desires of the heart - with which to obtain mastery. And you have wonderful allies - the subconscious, the field of potentiality, and your peers - with whom to interact. Now you have the most important thing: to carry out the work that you have come to fulfill and to deliver to others.
That's what life is about.
When you were learning to walk, you fell many times. If you hadn't gotten up then, today you wouldn't know how to walk and you'd still be on the ground. You have fallen -and probably will do it again- no matter how many times, because you have gotten up -and will do it again- no matter how many more times.
A tree takes time to grow. A forest is somewhat more complex. The changes you plan for your life also need some time and, above all, they require planting in your mind what you want to grow. A forest is a forest thanks to many trees. In the same way, success is the sum of many smallñsuccesses and also failures.
You have learned to lose and to win, to survive your disappointments, to overcome the occasional failure and to recover from losses. You know that when you lose a sum, you retain your ability to replenish it; that is, you count on your prosperous mentality.
In life, as in board games, you win or lose nothing but absurd worthless chips. What really counts is learning to play better and enjoying doing it.
Do not stop at this moment when inner growth is so evident. Be patient with the logical confusion that the new always creates. Without confusion there would be no stimulus for learning. Be patient and tenacious: that will lead you to your opportunity after going through the dense forest of inconveniences.
The most common cause of failure is not a lack of ability or preparation, but the temptation to give up mid-effort. Actually, we are not victims of what we call failures; Rather, I think we surrender to abandonment. They are very different things even if they lead to identical results.
History is full of early dropouts unfairly called «failures». Later, over time, someone came from behind with more momentum and finished what we left halfway. The sequence is as follows: you push and push until you are a breath away from throwing in the towel; but in the end, it resists and does not give up. And at that moment the miracle happens.

If you give up or falter you will never get it; but if you don't even try, then you have already failed.