Tell me what you think and I will tell you what you will get from life. If you are a positive person, the balance will be in your favor; if you are negative, the balance will always be in deficit. ¿Remember that adage that the bottle can be half full or half empty? Well, in the same way, life can be a landfill full of half-empty bottles or the opposite.
I think you already know what I mean.
What you emit exerts a magnetic force that acts by attracting its identical; that is, related people and situations. Anger is related to violence; discouragement, with despair… But also love with compassion; joy with happiness; prosperity with abundance...
Thought creates what it believes. He makes bigger, even gigantic, whatever catches his attention. The mind is constructed in such a way that it turns into reality what it focuses its attention on. If you think you won't make it, you will, but if you keep your options, you're also right.
As always, you decide. The mind interacts with Universal Intelligence.
Through this special connection, the questions circulate -in one direction- and the answers -in the other direction, translated into a language of energy and vibration called «intuition». I refer to that amazing link between the human mind and the cosmic mind, through which we collaborate in the fascinating adventure of creation.
Call «have hunches»Because they come from the heart. And the heart knows.
Intuition has a rare intelligence that assists us and also activates the magic switch that connects us with the universal mind. It is a swift plunge of the soul into the universal stream of knowledge.
Through intuition, your personality comes into contact with your soul and this, in turn, with God. In this chain reaction, full of magic, come the answers to our questions.
But intuition requires introspection and silence. And sometimes there is so much noise inside you that you cannot perceive more than the confusion of that noise. Set aside a few moments of silence each day to listen to your heart.
Close your eyes and you will know everything. I believe that when God created the human being, he decided to communicate with him through intuition.
The solutions that the Universe proposes are beneficial for all, in a game that we can call «win win» and no «win-lose». In other words, no one must lose so that someone else can win. For that reason, it is completely impossible to obtain the collaboration of the Universe in something that harms others. That would be unbecoming of his compassion and his love for all of us.
We read on Monday...