6. Free yourself from the need to identify with your achievements.
It can be a difficult concept if you think that you and your achievements are the same. God writes all the music, God sings all the songs, God builds all the buildings. God is the source of all your achievements. And I already hear the protests of your ego, but stay tuned to this idea. Everything emanates from the Source. You and your Source are one and the same! You are not that body and its achievements.
You are the observer Look at everything and appreciate the capacities that have been granted to you, the motivation to achieve things and the things that you have accumulated, but give all the credit to the force of intention that gave you existence and of which you are a part materialized. The less you need to take credit for your achievements, the more connected you will be with the seven faces of intention, the freer you will be to achieve things, which will come to you more often. When you get attached to those achievements and believe that you are achieving it on your own is when you abandon the peace and gratitude of your Source.