Part Four of “The Wishes Fulfilled Method” (Article 4)

Beginner mind, creative mind
In the nature of the world is change. When you get to the next point and break, the world will already be different.
Many problems are not solved because the challenges are new but the answers are the same as always. For this reason, today companies are beginning to value more the creativity of the candidates than the experience in their selection processes. New challenges require more creativity than experience.
Creativity: look with new eyes.
Experience: look with old eyes.
My greatest successes always came from a stroke of imagination. Of a madness. am I exaggerating? Partly. Honoring the truth, to minimize my mistakes I use common sense and my experience, but to maximize my successes I use my imagination. And I'm not bad.
The ability to "make distinctions" is called intelligence. For that reason, those who make more differences in a situation are more intelligent. A distinction is: a nuance, a perspective, an alternative...
The problem with every problem is not having enough options to turn them into solutions.
Creativity consists of relating ideas that have never come into contact before. Pairing seemingly unrelated ideas is very creative.
A creative mind generates options from the totality of possibilities. And now for the best: Regardless of genetics and intelligence, unleashing creativity can be learned.
Currently there are national and foreign companies that systematically move people from one department to another. Because of a whim? Of course not, in order to make them "beginners" in their new position. To get what? Simple, an inexperienced mind sees with new eyes. Since he does not yet have experience, he makes up for it with imagination: he cannot "remember solutions" and has to "invent" them. After a while, the inexperienced is an expert in his position and soon his creativity succumbs to routine.
The "beginner's mind" is full of possibilities. When you don't know, you invent. Adults often get uncomfortable in situations in which they are beginners for fear of ridicule. They are not willing to consider themselves "beginners" and for that reason they do not take risks. That is why his “expert mind” works with experience, that is, with repetition. Children, on the other hand, have not yet developed the fear of being wrong: they are free. For that reason, they experiment. Until, at a certain age, they are taught to be ashamed of their mistakes, and then they are adults!
In “the new” you are going to be new. All of us, when we start, are perfectly ignorant. A beginner has no experience, but has something much better:
Computers already take care of the “dirty” intellectual work, our mind should focus only on the brilliant.
knowing is not enough
The most common excuse for doing nothing is merely gathering information in order to delay action.
Today it is simply impossible to know everything. Instead of asking yourself: What will I do when I know? Ask yourself better: What do I do with what I know? Some people fall into "analysis paralysis." They are victims of information overload. They know everything… by hearsay. Don't let that happen to you.
Today, information and knowledge double every few months: you could spend your whole life educating yourself and never know everything! Companies do not hire those who know a lot but those who make good use of what they know. In the business world, attitude is valued more than aptitude, because they know that aptitude can be achieved with training and attitude cannot.
Everyone knows almost everything but very few practice it. Knowing is not enough.
If not, ask some college professors and professionals whose vast knowledge hasn't made much of a difference in their professional lives. Your level of career success and income does not reflect your level of expertise. In fact, graduates know more and earn less than previous promotions. Believing that a college degree guarantees a better salary is an unfortunate fantasy.
It's not about what you know: what matters is what you do with what you know. Good training—although it is preferable to none—does not guarantee success. An example, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard because there they couldn't teach him how to achieve his dream: Microsoft. The great Steve Jobs also dropped out of college and set out to create a dazzling project: Apple Computer.
All excellent professionals have once underperformed, but they have learned. The expert has made all the possible mistakes; and although he does not know everything, he knows well what he knows.
Every effect is the result of a cause.
I want to talk to you about a law as powerful or more powerful than the law of gravity. As a child, you surely learned the consequences of ignoring it.
The first falls taught you the effects of the force of gravity. You learned to walk by integrating it. You discovered that if you threw your body forward you avoided the fall simply by taking the next step! Walking, in reality, is a succession of "falls" that you avoid by taking a step at the right moment.
However, most adults ignore another even more powerful law that causes more damage than a fall.
I refer to the “Law of Cause and Effect” “There are no effects without causes. Every cause, whether visible or invisible, creates an effect, whether visible or invisible. You have to master this law.
Corollary: "If you want to achieve an effect, activate the causes that will create it."
Pablo Neruda wrote some words that I keep in my heart: "Do not forget that the cause of your present is your past just as the cause of your future will be your present”.
Everything has a cause, even if it is invisible to the eye.
For example, a thought - or belief - is the cause of an emotion - or behavior - and not the other way around as it might seem. If you don't like how you feel, correct what you thought before. And as for emotions, what a great opportunity they are; They teach us to think better! They help us correct ourselves.
It is very easy to "fall in love" with the effects but not so easy with the causes. Few understand that if they focus on the causes that cause an effect they are after, it will take place by itself.
The word "changes" and the word "chaos" are similar except for the three central letters (both begin and end symmetrically).
I like to define chaos as the concentration of change in space-time”. I am not referring to change for change's sake, but to evolutionary transformation.
When the changes are intense, we perceive it as a problem and not as the beginning of the solution. Paraphrasing Robert Kiyosaky (author of Rich father poor father): “If you want really important changes in your life, change the size of your dream”. In other words: think big.

It may be the cause of your big dream or it may be an effect due to chance. You can make desired things happen or leave them to chance. There is such a big difference between both attitudes as getting to where you are going or going nowhere.