It was already very late, the great Master had been locked up in his workshop for several days, without a doubt he was investing a lot of time in his new creation.
One of his archangels was worried, without thinking about it anymore he decided to enter:
– Master, you have been here for several moons, you need to rest, maybe tomorrow it will be cooler and you can finish…
– Wait, come closer, I'm almost done, I need your opinion. As you can see, the creature is almost finished, this will be my masterpiece and I think it will also be very useful for the normal development of the others, what do you think?
– It is undoubtedly beautiful but… perhaps too fragile, don't you think Master… Will it be durable?
– That's precisely what it's all about, that it's not too cumbersome, that it's economical and also durable, it's more resistant than the creatures you helped me finish last month, remember?
– Are you referring to those that will physically resist any inclement weather and will be strong as oaks even in the face of adverse weather conditions?
– Yes, those same ones. What do we call them?
– Vikings Lord.
– Oh yes, and this creature will be just as resistant, but lighter and simpler, its skin will be soft as the hand that caresses, but made at the same time to work and withstand the passage of time.
– Excuse me Master, and why so much technology?
– I have thought of entrusting to her the most important of tasks: guiding and directing the other creatures of my creation, she will help me finish the work that I have already started, she will take care of, educate and bring to completion excellent human beings who in her due time they will increase my legion of angels in heaven.
– Master, but isn't it too much work for a being so apparently weak and delicate?
– No, I have provided it with two microchips that I have called “instinct” and “sixth sense”, with them the task will be easier. With the first they will love without conditions and in the same way as I would, it can be said that the sorrows of others will make them their own, and the suffering that any delivery that does not expect anything in return entails will be cushioned. With the second, they will know how to guide and distinguish with more precision than others, what is good and what is bad; Keep in mind that the dangers to which it will be exposed will be many, but if you know how to use this little accessory, you will be victorious most of the time.
– Master, so much news! Its maintenance will not be expensive.
– No, in fact she will feed on what is left, on what others leave, her great love will make her not affect her performance, I repeat, she is very resistant! Sometimes she will forget herself and her illnesses with As long as she fulfills her task, she will not sleep enough and her hands will continually be the ones that reflect the traces of work and fatigue, but she will hide them, as she will also hide the sorrows that cause lack of love and ingratitude, because she will always be ready to forgive and love.
– Wait Master, I saw something! Did water come out of his eyes?
– Ah yes, I had already noticed, it does it continuously, and so far it's taking me the most time to compose, although I've decided to let some of this liquid escape from time to time. I have noticed that when that happens his mind goes to mine as if in prayer, to ask me for some other of my graces such as acceptance, forgiveness, direction and support, I am pleased, I think I will call this virtue "Humility".
– And the master water, have you tried it yet? Is it as clear and sweet as that of the lakes?
– No, in fact it is very salty, as a sign that his pain will be as immense as sea water, but at the same time, as valuable in my eyes as the pearls that we can find there, so I am thinking about what to name to this new jewels… maybe “Tears”.
– I see Master the reason for your delay, I don't think there is among all the creatures of your creation any as special as this one, have you thought of a name?
– Yes, I have thought of one: It will be called “Mom”.
Thanks to all those sacred beings who gave us life, who for 9 months gave us shelter in their bodies, who have sacrificed the unspeakable because each of your children has the best that they can give.
Thanks to those wonderful people who would give their lives, to avoid the suffering of us, their children.