3. Free yourself from the need to be right.
The ego is a source of conflict and disagreement because it pushes you to make others wrong. When you are hostile, you have disconnected yourself from the force of intention. The Creative Spirit is kind, loving, and responsive, and free from anger, resentment, and bitterness. Forgetting the need to always be right in discussions and relationships is like saying to the ego: I am not your slave.
I want to embrace kindness and reject your need to be right. Even more; I am going to offer this person the possibility of making him feel better by telling him that he is right and thanking him for having guided me towards the truth. When you forget the need to be right you can strengthen the connection with the force of intention, but keep in mind that the ego is a very determined fighter. I have seen people willing to die rather than stop being right. I have seen how wonderful relationships ended due to the need of certain people to always be right. I suggest you forget about this ego-driven need by stopping in the middle of an argument to ask yourself: What do I want? To be happy or to be right?
When you choose the happy, loving, and spiritual mode, your connection to intention is strengthened. Ultimately, these moments expand your new connection with the force of intention. The universal Source will begin to collaborate with you in creating the life that the intention wants you to lead.