5. Free yourself from the need to have more.
The mantra of ego is more. No matter how much you achieve or acquire, your ego will insist that it is not enough. You will see yourself continually struggling and eliminating the possibility of reaching the goal, but in reality you have already reached it, and it is up to you to decide how to use the present moment of your life. Ironically, when you stop needing more, it seems as if more of what you want comes to you.
As you are detached from that need, it is easier for you to transmit it to others, because you realize how little you need to feel satisfied and at peace. The Universal Source is self-satisfied, continually expanding and creating new life, never attempting to hold on to its creations by its egoistic resources. Create and detach. When you detach from the ego's need for more, you become one with the source. You create, you attract what you want to you and you detach yourself, without demanding that anything else be presented to you. If you value everything that arises, you learn the great lesson that Saint Francisca of Assisi gave us: ... is to give when we receive. By allowing abundance to flow to you and through you, you correspond with Source and ensure that energy continues to flow.