Selling with NLP (objections part 1)

Much of the challenge It is not knowing how to handle the objections that our client puts to us, it is precisely that we do not know how to listen. Objections are just a message from the customer saying "Tell me more..."
If you are a seller, who has been at it for many years, if throughout your career you have heard thousands of objections and if very surely there are some that are so similar or almost the same and as you feel with a lot of experience you can think "how many times have I heard the same objection
It's not true, no one knows everything!!!!
Yes, very possibly they are very similar objections, but remember that all people are different, so we must respect that diversity and we must learn to listen to what our client has to say.
It is sure that this new client, even if he tells you an objection very similar to another person, surely he is worried about something, in a very different way, surely he analyzes and sees things in a very different way as some other client has told you.
When you really listen to your prospects, believe me you have almost 100% of your safe sale, for various reasons:
  • Clients are usually eager for someone to listen to their concerns, and more; someone who can help you solve some needs. And there are you, willing to listen to him and give him the best of you. Don't make him feel uncomfortable with you.
  • It is not about seeing who “wins the war”. Avoid imposing your world map, you don't want to show yourself much smarter than him: It's about getting the sale and making it win-win, not win the war."
  • Remember, you are not there to prove that you are more right about everything. You are there because you are interested in the sale of your product or service, you are interested in a new and good client.
  • I'm not saying let someone "trample" you, not at all, just be careful with your comments, listen to your customers, you will earn much more than if you don't and consider something: The customer can buy from you, or someone else. (BEWARE OF IT)
  • Respond to the objections that your client puts to you in a pleasant way, without anger, without courage, and of course; very sure of what your product or service is and why they should obtain it, Don't confuse security with arrogance.
  • Compliment objections, “that's a great question, I'm glad you brought it up”, this will make your client feel much safer.