sleep state
The first is the dream state. It is a passive state because everything happens nothing else, there is no initiative nor is there a defined intention or conscious activity; Habits rule you. In this state you live dreaming, remembering only past moments or worrying about the future and vaguely realizing the reality of the present, here and now. You always look for sensations and there is no voluntary action, the robot of habits manages you.

Evaluate your level of consciousness
Take a moment of your day, observe yourself in a relaxed way and be silent. Ask yourself in what state or level of Consciousness do you live now, so that you can begin the work of your awakening. Answer these questions honestly; remember that you only answer to you.

Questionnaire for the first state.
Answer "yes" or "no".
1. Do you live governed by behavioral habits, driven by what has become a habit in you, are you always worried about something, or angry for no reason?

2. Do you lack initiative to take new paths in your life and prefer that everything stay the same, because you fear facing changes?

3. Do you settle easily and think that everything is enough for you, even if it is very little, because you are afraid to take risks?

4. Are you passive, do you settle in any place or situation in order to be comfortable, everything makes you lazy?

5. Is it hard for you to make an effort to make today different, since you always find excuses to postpone what you have an obligation to do and tell yourself: "I'll leave it for tomorrow"?

6. Do you feel like a victim and only know how to complain? Do you continually ask yourself: “Why does everything bad happen to me?” Or “If I had money, everything would be easier and others would respect me!

7. Do you expect others to make decisions for you, do you apologize, and do you not want to take responsibility, since you run away in order not to create problems for yourself because you feel insecure?

8. Do you think so as not to take risks: “Why am I going to go, I'm sure they're going to say no, I'd better continue like this, I'm very unlucky”?

Conclusion of the first state
If you answered "yes" to five of these eight questions, this means that your life as you currently live it is the reflection of a sleeping Consciousness.
The time you have left in your life is very valuable so that you can grow within yourself and prosper in the material world, loving and respecting yourself, because you are worth a lot. This is the purpose for which you are here on planet Earth: to evolve in your level of Consciousness, to learn from all your daily experiences, and to know that you are not only a body.