Qualities needed for the development of consciousness (Part 3)

9. Concentration
Concentration means entering my attention, centering myself, taking refuge in my inner silence to observe in depth what I am thinking, feeling and doing.

Only if I manage to concentrate can I move forward with my ideals and my goals. Beings who have succeeded are always focused.

Concentration cannot be continuous, it is handled in lapses and the benefits it brings are impressive.

Concentration is the ability to gather information and meditate on knowledge and experiences in order to achieve conscious results and conclusions.

Our mind is very powerful to create, reason and learn. Human beings only use a small part of its capacity. If we propose it, we can increase our mental potential, concentrating with discipline and paying attention.

Concentration leads us to balance. Therefore, the Power of attraction begins to work when the will, the intention and the attention are concentrated.

10. Flexibility
I am a flexible being and I know that nothing remains immobile, everything changes just as the water flows and the wind moves. Flexibility allows me to adapt, move easily and protects me from breaking physically, emotionally and intellectually. Helps me accept others 
points of view without bothering me.

If we do not give mobility to the members of our body, they atrophy and we become paralyzed.

The same thing happens with our mind: when it falls into foolishness and fanaticism, reason loses its flexibility and can no longer guide us correctly.

When we get lost in a sea of confusion and anguish, feelings are locked up and chained by rigid thoughts.

Rigidity makes humans cold, cruel, angry and sad, it makes them old quickly.

Flexibility keeps us young and able to adapt to circumstances, without suffering and with the mobility to resist the onslaught of changes and winds.

Flexibility accepts. Rigidity denies.

11. Tenacity
I must insist and persist until my mind corrects its mistakes and values its successes, it is the extra energy that I apply to achieve that what I wish can land in reality. Tenacity knows no weariness.

The best example to correctly describe the function of tenacity is found in nature, which always fulfills its cycles, giving away its generosity and abundance.

Tenacity does not accept excuses, because these thoughts drain energy.

A tenacious being always manages to accomplish what he sets out to do, since he has the drive and the flexibility to jump over all the obstacles he finds on the Path, in order to continue forward.

Tenacity is creative, accomplished, disciplined and invincible, working intelligently to achieve its goals.

Foolishness is obsessive and does not reason, it locks itself in its selfish whim, disrespects and attacks. We must not confuse a foolish person with a tenacious individual, because the difference is very great.

12. Detachment.
There are many types of attachments. There are not only material attachments, there are also emotional and mental ones. All of them can take away my freedom and bind me the day I can no longer flow and move forward.

I let go of negative thoughts and feelings along with unnecessary material attachments that do me no good or give me happiness, because I know that nothing is forever. The only thing that is eternal is the Spirit of God and my soul.

Detachment is the most important lesson I have come to learn in my life journey.

We fill ourselves with material things because they give us status; but in this way we cease to be free, since we must take care of these things so that they are not taken from us or stolen.

The same thing happens to us when we manage to reach an important place in society; we no longer have peace, worried about losing power or failing.

In the emotional field the same thing happens, we are clinging to the love or the presence of another human being and we think that it belongs to us. We want to possess it and the manipulation and jealousy begin, the only thing we gain is to suffocate love by pretending to eternalize it.

Thus we chain ourselves to all kinds of attachments without realizing it; we are running out of time for life, busying ourselves with having more, instead of being happy and enjoying the blessing of being alive.

That does not mean that we should become mediocre beings, who do not yearn for improvement, who do not risk and settle for anything.

We can wish for the best and work for it, enjoy abundance and success. We deserve the best in life, but we must understand that all this is to be enjoyed and shared, not to be suffered. And it is that the day we have to leave we will leave alone and we will not take anything with us.

13. Balance
The universe continues to exist because of the perfect balance that keeps it running in constant motion.

Within myself I must balance the positive and the negative, the masculine and the feminine, rigor and mercy, light and shadow. By balancing myself, excesses no longer attract me; I understand that the only way to achieve harmony and peace within myself is to level the balance of my thoughts and feelings.

In Chinese philosophy, balance is the final and most important answer for those who have worked on the evolution of their being, because they know that harmony comes with balance.

The balance is achieved when the security of our actions already exists in us, we know what we want and where we are going, we enjoy well-being by doing what we like.

Balance is maturity, it is inner stillness and the ability to calmly and clearly see the whole picture.

When we manage to balance ourselves, the ego is situated in its rightful place, stops bothering us and no longer distracts us with its demands.

Knowledge and intellectuality take away our ignorance but they do not balance us, we become addicted to information and we can fall into pride.

Wisdom, on the other hand, is the deep understanding that knowledge gives, from which values and principles emerge. It is a prudent and respectful knowledge that covers many topics, that instructs and seeks balance. Wisdom is humble, discreet and noble, she does not talk much because she is not interested in attracting attention, but she applies her knowledge correctly and simply in life.

Balance is achieved with wisdom.

14. Humility
Only by being humble am I a good disciple of life, because I know how to listen in order to learn and I am capable of accepting the truth as my guide. Humility is the simple dignity of the kindly sages, it is knowing how to appreciate the simplicity of life and not seek praise.

The concept of humility should not be confused with the lack of dignity and absolute submission.

The true meaning is letting go of the false pride and haughty vanity that is called conceit, believing that material possessions and invented values make a person superior.

Humility is the nobility of the soul, it is the silent respect that accepts what is true and does not offend, but defends its dignity.

Poverty is not synonymous with humility. A humble being is one who already has the security of knowing that he possesses the wealth of the soul.

Blessed is he who, having material riches, does not allow himself to fall into pride and acts with humility, shares and makes his abundance flow.

The same applies to the scholar who instructs and shares his knowledge with a humble attitude and with the sole purpose of helping the evolution of humanity.

15. Kindness
Kindness is full of love.

She is compassionate, patient, knows how to give, share, listen, understand, forgive, not judge, caresses souls and gives freedom.

Kindness is given without expecting anything in return.

This is the most beautiful quality that human beings possess, because it subdues and defeats selfishness.

Kindness is generous and grateful, it is immersed in the Divine Spark with which we are born.

We must think and act with kindness, since this feeling adorns our lives and gives us peace.

Kindness does not demand or know how to judge, it only knows how to give.

In the competitive world we live in, kindness is out of fashion because it is often labeled as “foolishness” and is believed to get in the way of material achievement.

We should not make a mistake thinking this way, because we are sacrificing the satisfaction of feeling generous and all-powerful with our love.

Kindness does not suspect; He trusts and surrenders without hesitation. Kindness is simple and fresh, it is given with joy, it does not seek exchange but enjoys the pleasure of sharing and helping.