Important note:
This graph serves to situate you in your reality, because this is how our earthly ego works.
On which of these levels do you think you act the most?
Answer this question without deceiving yourself or apologizing, to get to know yourself and know what you have to work on, depending on the level of Consciousness in which you live.
All levels are equally important. You must not neglect any of them; each one makes you a unique being.
The first level.
The physical is our sacred vehicle because thanks to it we exist today on Planet Earth, as living beings with a body.
Our body is the clay vessel that receives the blessings, it is the sacred place where the soul and the Energy of the Spirit reside.
Through it we enjoy the pleasure of being alive.
By learning to balance the demands of the physical ego, we can enjoy all the physical capacities that we possess -and there are many- and use them with Consciousness and respect.
The body symbolically represents the Earth Element: if it is fertile land it gives fruits and flowers, if it is arid land it gives caltrops and plants with thorns.
The second level.
It belongs to the Water element and is the emotional level, in which feelings move.
Imagine it like the sea because emotions and feelings behave like its waters. They flow within us and move us. If the waters are calm, they caress us, clean us, give us pleasure, allow us to enjoy and intensely enjoy life. If the waters are restless or angry, they drown us, distress us, deprive us of pleasures and joy; they just destroy everything in their path.
That is why we must balance our emotions and learn to swim in them, submerging ourselves to their depths consciously. We must not remain only on the surface of emotions, where many times we suffer the onslaught of the waves.
The third level.
The third level is the mental, it is the Air element in which thoughts fly. Imagine it like the air, where ideas circulate and slide, they get everywhere because they are free.
Without air there would be no life; without ideas and ideals we could not create anything.
If the air is a soft wind, or a breeze, we enjoy it, we enjoy its freshness and we are delighted. So, these thoughts create, reason, build and leave inheritance.
If the air is raging, it destroys everything where it passes, it does not create anything, it only devastates, whips and leaves empty spaces.
Air is the element that has power over all the other elements, it moves them as it wants; it means that this is how thoughts are, because they have the same power.
The air (thought) can transform the form of the Earth (the physical body); it creates cavities, wears it down or deposits in it what it picks up in other parts and makes it fertile.
The air (thought) can move the waters of the sea (emotions and feelings) at will, create tranquility or form cyclones that enrage them and destroy any material reality with their force.
The air can intensify the fire (the Energy of the Spirit) or extinguish it. It has the power to give strength, whether to light, heat or burn.
These are the three levels of the ego, which inhabit each of us. By consciously locating them, we can identify what our weaknesses are; so, we will have a guide to start working on them.
The fourth level.
By ascending to the fourth level, we have already managed to balance the earthly ego; then we begin to vibrate higher and through intuition we have direct communication with the superior ego.
This is why it is so important to keep your mental level balanced, awake and aware. The power of thoughts is enormous and these are the ones that design our experiences.
On the fourth level the thoughts drive the behavior of all levels of the ego, they receive the inspiration of the Spirit. That is why if you manage to balance the thoughts that your mind creates, discipline them and order them with reason; All the results you will experience will be positive experiences.
If we feed our thoughts with love, kindness and wisdom, we are able to create our heaven on Earth.
The ego argues, the soul dialogues
Negative characteristics of the earthly ego.
The ego does not know how to love; he only loves himself.
The ego knows no humility.
The ego knows no justice.
The ego does not know how to listen, it only listens to itself.
The ego does not know how to say “please” or “thank you”.
The ego always wants to be right.
The ego only knows how to react.
The ego is gossipy and judges.
The ego demands and does not share.
The ego only knows how to talk about things and does not respect ideals.
The ego is only interested in its achievements and does not ask about the achievements of others.
For the ego, giving means exchange, what it gives always carries an interest.
The ego delights in possessing in order to manipulate
The ego uses and asks, it only shares what is left over.
The ego always blames everyone and everything else.
The ego is presumptuous and arrogant.
The ego needs witnesses who affirm its exploits and always say "yes".
The ego gets bored easily because it is empty inside.
The ego buys friendship so as not to be alone.
The ego always justifies and blames.
The ego feeds on the praise of others.
The ego is envious, it always wants to be and have the best
The ego defends itself by getting angry for not respecting
The ego does not compromise, it evades.
The ego is satisfied, it does not please.
The ego loves the power to dominate.
The ego does not know how to forgive.
The ego seduces to later use.
The ego is insecure, it needs the affirmation of others.
The ego suffers if it feels ignored, it always wants to attract attention.
For the ego nothing is enough, it always demands more.
The ego does not respect dignity, it only respects its interests.
Physical level of the ego
Physical level of the positive ego: I must use the qualities that my physical level of the ego possesses, since it is the one that helps me, through the instinct of conservation, to continue with life. Conscientiously take advantage of my wonderful physical abilities: I reproduce, breathe, walk, work, feed myself and serve my fellow men.
My hands create and help me in everything. By developing the physical abilities of my body, I can keep producing.
These physical abilities are my blessings that will help me survive in the material world and create well-being for me.
Physical level of the negative ego: The negative physical ego only wants to satisfy sensory pleasures and my whims. I must not allow the instincts of the senses to unconsciously control my body, as I make many mistakes; instincts make me react unconsciously and are insatiable. They demand excesses in sex, in eating, in drinking, and in endless pleasures and vices. When I let myself be carried away by instincts, I act as animals do and gravity expresses itself with blows; jails are full of negative egos who make mistakes.
emotional level of the ego
Emotional level of the positive ego: the emotional ego allows me to love. I must thank God for the ability to feel and vibrate with emotions. With sensitivity I am inspired to become a creator of beauty, art, communication, I serve my fellow men with love; I am able to feel compassion and forgive.
Emotional sensitivity allows me to appreciate everything sublime and easily transports me to the mystical world, it is the invisible thread that puts me in contact with feelings.
Emotional level of the negative ego: the negative emotional ego manipulates me and wants to make me a victim. I observe feelings to control it, since it is dangerous to let myself go in the restless sea of emotions. Distraction comes easily on the emotional level: I tend to daydream a lot and can feel out of place. My sensitivity is exaggerated and I think that those around me do not understand me; .this can lead me to depression, apathy and loneliness.
mental level of the ego
Mental level of the positive ego: the intellect reasons and must understand the why and what for of everything I am going to do. It is the way to organize my thoughts, I know that through the mind I learn and understand.
Everything starts in the mind. It is through ideas that human beings create. I know that with my mind I design the experiences of my life, nothing that happens to me is by chance, it is causal. It is through my thoughts that I bring everything to reality.
I must be aware, realize the privilege I have to be able to think, reason, choose and decide what I want to do with my life. This is what differentiates me from animals, I am the architect of my destiny.
Mental level of the negative ego: The negative mental ego wants to turn me into a cold and arrogant being. It makes me believe that I know more than anyone else, so I dedicate myself to judging, feeling perfect and I don't know how to listen.
Mental aggressiveness is very cruel, you can manipulate, offend and enslave another being by instilling fear.
This ego refuses to change and is the one that binds me, fills me with fear, lessens my security and confuses me to keep me lukewarm and mediocrity defending myself and blaming others.