– I realize now that seeing what it is, overwhelms me. Sometimes it is in my own life and in my relationships but more when I see what is happening in the world. Things are going very bad.
- I understand you very well. That's why most of us speak in the third person and say: "People don't..." "If only people..." "People say..." The human being has done..."
However, we are "the people" and we are what we say and do not do. When we say: "Human beings killed a hundred million of their peers last century", "Man is destroying the planet", "Man has contaminated everything" we should say: "we are killing, destroying and polluting."

- Wait a minute! I haven't killed anyone... I don't feel responsible.
– If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.
As long as we continue to overlap this system, as long as we continue to be distracted looking the other way, as long as we do not do something about it, we are complicit in everything that happens in this world.

- And what can we do? Don't tell me you want to change the world.
– It is about changing us. When you heal your life, you will heal the world.
What really matters is what you do regardless of the results. You have to realize that each of your actions and decisions, however simple they may seem, have consequences in the world: If you throw a plastic bottle in the field, if you buy from an irresponsible corporation, if you lie to your wife, if you you spend it complaining; All of this has global repercussions.
And to go beyond words, some actions that I propose:
Consume responsibly