I was left wanting my guide to tell me about the connection with the divine. However, it didn't take me long to realize that he was again looking for me to feed me in the mouth.
It is not so easy to stop swallowing everything we are told, to accept ready-made answers instead of searching our hearts for what is true for us.
– That is what the person who wants to mature can start doing– interrupted my guide -, Anyone who wants to regain their dignity as an individual and their freedom can begin to get in touch with their personal power.
– What we surely find in the center of our being. TRUE?
- You are very smart.
Any action that goes towards our center gives us power. Anything we do focused outward takes away from us.
People wonder why their lives are such a mess, why they can't achieve what they set out to do, because they feel helpless and lacking in self-confidence. This is the reason: because he abandons himself and betrays himself over and over again.
– Let's see, give me a moment to analyze it for myself…
A person feels incomplete, they believe that they need something from the outside to feel good about themselves.
- Something or someone – added my guide.
 That, since he needs that person or thing so much to be well, he does whatever it takes to have or retain him.
- You're doing great.
– It doesn't matter if what you have to do is humiliate yourself, abandon yourself and betray yourself or lie, cheat and steal.
– Which causes…
– Make you feel worse! Another vicious circle.
- Of course! The more you distance yourself from yourself, the more you need the approval of others and that is why you are pleasing everyone, enduring abuse and losing your personal power.
– Examples?
–  With pleasure.
Blaming others for what happens in your life:
If you put the reason for your unhappiness, your dissatisfaction or lack of well-being in others, you are left without any power. So, you depend on what they do. They are what have the solution, you will be fine when they change, when they stop doing what bothers you or when they start doing what you ask them.
– Taking responsibility for your life is to recover your personal power:
If you are responsible for what goes wrong, you have the power to fix it. You have the answers and the solutions.
– Any type of manipulation:
If you use lies, anger, or playing the victim to get what you want, it's because you think you don't deserve it. That if it is not with deception or tricks, people would not give you what you ask for.
– Being authentic and asking openly is then to recover your dignity. Admit that you are valuable and that you deserve to have your needs met.
– Focus on others:
Gossiping, criticizing, judging, giving advice, or any other way of distracting yourself from yourself is wasting your energy. It is occupying yourself in useless activities, that leave you nothing good and benefit no one.
– Focusing on oneself is, of course, returning to our center. Introspection, being with oneself and observing oneself.
– You got it. Every time you put someone before yourself, every time you believe that something is more important than yourself, you are abandoning yourself.
If you lie, exaggerate, justify yourself, then you are betraying yourself.
– That's another way of looking at things.
- That's how it is. A human being who respects and values himself does not need anyone to tell him how to behave. Your self-love and integrity guide you down a path of honesty.
– So what guides his steps, what gives him a feeling of worth, what affirms him as an individual, comes from within himself.
– That's where everything worthwhile comes from.