Perhaps what I am telling you seems very cheesy or perhaps you do not believe it because of the results you have had so far and because of all the programming that your environment has generated for you: such as your parents, teachers, friends, co-workers, advertising and the saddest thing yourself! They have been telling you, more your flaws, than your talents and virtues!
Since we are children, adults give us the training they want according to their own experiences of the world, their own received models, that world that they had to live in and thus they form us as they were formed, many times with great problems of attitude and personality, make us successful beings or stupid mediocre, because when we are children we seem to be without defense against everything that they tell us since we are like warriors without a shield who all the lances hit us, because our parents and teachers are like great giants, we give them great credibility and then we accept that everything they tell us is true.
Imagine that they tell you that you are good for nothing and that is what you believe them, because everything they tell us is highly relevant and the time comes when you say that you are good for nothing. And so: you are going to walk, think, act and speak like what they told you at home, they left you stuck with the sting of that belief for your whole life, and just like this one, they have left you with so many that today they have shaped your personality. "You are what you are and you are where you are because what you have put in your mind, you can change what you are, you can change where you are, by changing what you have put in your mind"...
Your beliefs are unquestionable orders for your unconscious mind, which are going to be received literally, that is, literally, without analysis and without a sense of humor, because your brain does not know if your beliefs are true or not. , if it is hesitant or serious, simply execute the action of your beliefs and that is how your internal states will be, that is, your emotions and these in turn will give you your attitude and your attitude, your results.
Have you ever wondered why sometimes you achieve everything you set out to do and why sometimes you don't?
I had been asking myself this question for years, without knowing the exact answer; They were only conjectures born of my own frustration, seeing my frequent failures that on many occasions led me to despair and emotional flight through alcohol, television, compulsive eating and other ways of escaping from myself.
It was all based on my beliefs!
The beliefs that I had about the economy, family, study, work and especially what I believed about myself, all of this had made me a loser during my 38 years of life that I had at that time, even professional titles and all, I was a resounding failure.
When you change your beliefs, your results change!
Just remember that your beliefs have the power to create or destroy in your life,
There are many men and women in Mexico, who do not succeed, because they do not believe they can.
There are those who believe that life is a valley of tears and... What do you think?... That's how it goes!
There are also those who believe that life is rich, that life is beautiful and... What do you think?... That's how it goes!
There are others who believe that life is a chain of sorrows, a sea of illnesses and… What do you think? … So it goes!
Others believe that life is prosperity, health, wealth, abundance, an oasis of happiness and love and... What do you think?... That's how it goes.
Now you tell me:
What should you believe?
That's up to you, of course! Do you think you deserve to be loved, rich, healthy, happy, prosperous?
Of course yes!
The only thing that has limited you has been your beliefs.
Change them now and you will see the results immediately!
If you want to be healthy, all you have to do is convince yourself that you can achieve it and do what is necessary to achieve it, but… You have to believe it!
At that time, your unconscious mind will be in charge of giving you all the tools, resources and strategies you need to achieve it, just like if you think you are sick.
Your unconscious mind will take care of that, remember... it only costs you a powerful committed decision but, heart inside, not as my grandmother used to say, "nothing more than teeth out", No! ... that is born from the heart, that is born from your inner strength, from your personal power, that power that is at your disposal, that power that is within your reach and waiting to be used, when you decide.
Many of the times the problem is, in the "moments of truth", that is, when making decisions to change something that is tormenting you or that is hurting your life or that is destroying your family, your health, your finances, including your relationships.
For example, those people who have some degree of alcoholism, often very high.
Or smoking or overeating even knowing that they are self-destructing and doing nothing to remedy it, many prefer, as they say: "die on the line", rather than seek solutions, because they are afraid of facing the pain it can cause them. a real change and prefer to endure death.
Others want to make changes in their lives, but they don't know how to do it or they want someone to do it for them, that's why it doesn't work for them. So, they live thinking that they cannot change, that this is their destiny... that there are those who are born with a star and others are born with a star, that their life must be like this because Diosito wants it that way and then... they feel like victims of the circumstances. Maybe you know this type of person, they are those "poor things", who drag pity, wherever they go they want to attract attention, to see who pities them.
One of my great teachers used to say that each time we seek the pity of others, it is like receiving a "spit" in the face, in the dignity that is the only thing that all of us who were not born in a golden cradle and in diapers have. silk.
I don't like being spat on, I don't know about you!
My teacher used to say that each “spit” they throw at us becomes more gelatinous, more sticky, more disgusting and I repeat: I don't like being spat on, I don't know about you!
I am convinced that anyone can build an extraordinary life, God endowed us with a wonderful body and infinite intelligence.
Do you know what the difference is between a person who achieves everything that is proposed and why another does not?
The way they use those resources, their intelligence and their body!
If you want to make some changes right now, the first thing you have to do is take charge of your life and take charge. Make you aware that you are the only one responsible for your results, that it depends on you if you are rich or poor, miserable or happy, successful or unsuccessful.
You are the only one responsible... and if you don't have more it's your fault! Because you and I are the ones who are really responsible for the arrival of pesos, tostones, cents or thousands at your house or mine.
Forget the pretexts and excuses that are only palliative and self-deception, it only serves to further accentuate mediocrity and conformism, today you can start a new life, if you have the courage to start it, don't expect someone to come change it or for someone to help you. make you happy, or that you win the lottery so that your economic sorrows end and that your world transforms overnight without having to do anything because that... that only happens in fairy tales.