Second part of “The method of fulfilled wishes”

What wish, if fulfilled, would change my life?
The great question
Every heart harbors a great dream. If it is there, there must be a reason for it. And every time we choose between fulfilling it or not, we are actually deciding between leading a satisfactory life or not.
We should all live focused on making it a reality, since we all feel that, without a purpose, life slowly languishes until it withers. A purpose is evolution for the soul. It stimulates you to bring to the surface, and expose to the world, your inner self.
Now, what would you do for the rest of your life if the result was guaranteed? Take your time because I have one more question: What is really important to you? They are two questions with two implicit presuppositions:
1.     There is something for you and it is something really big.
2.     You are determined to discover and honor it.
Since good questions will be one of your favorite tools after reading this book, I'd like to show you how to incorporate positive presuppositions into your questions.
For example, the closed question “Can I do it?” it is not very encouraging, since it includes the “no” option. However, it improves as an open question: "What do I need to achieve it?" After this linguistic reframing, the presupposition is "I'll get it" and the only thing at stake is the "What".
I suggest you review what your values are at this time in your life. Remember that values change over time for the simple reason that people change. And then we're going to make sure your decision agrees with them. From this moment on, if your dream respects and honors your values, you will become a steamroller: nothing in the world will be more inevitable than its event.
Your values are why and with its momentum you will find the What. Many people become obsessed with What and neglect the why. When people ask me in my seminars how they can get what they want, I always say I don't know and they'll have to find out. I encourage you, however, to focus on the why they want what they want. And once they are clear, they will find the What.
Remember that when you work on your dream, you are actually managing values. When you identify the underlying values of your dream, you will understand that the process of "having" is actually "being".
To distinguish the ordinary from the extraordinary, you should imagine each choice as if it had already happened and see how you feel about each option. Try on the future to know how it suits you. Close your eyes and visualize your desire as real now.
       If you enjoy and do not get tired of doing it.
       If it brightens your life like nothing else does.
       If your reward is in doing it.
...Then, suppose your highest aspiration.
If on the contrary:
       It is an exhausting effort.
       You come to wonder what its meaning is.
       You wonder if it's worth it.
…So, you are not in what your heart loves.
Do not remain where your heart is not.
Have you written down your values? If so, check if your dream is consistent with what is written. Living in a state of coherence means that what you do from now on should not be separated from what you consider important and according to your values.
Some people say they don't know what they want or what their purpose is. They lie. Either they have not known how to search or they are deceived. Perhaps what is happening is that if they recognize what they want most, they should make decisions to get it or find excuses not to do it. There is another reason and it is painful: admitting that they do not have a clear purpose.
Do what you love most.
Do what you love most, here is the recipe for unlimited happiness and prosperity.
Those who do not enjoy what they do are never happy. They are too busy daydreaming about what they would like to do.
They don't prosper; And if they still do, they'll never get enough to repay them for their dedication to what they don't really love.
We're supposed to do what gets our heart pumping. You came to make the unknown known. People who realize their wishes do not lose sight of their dream. They follow the path of their heart. They focus on the causes without being impatient to see the effects. A seed does not have to "learn" to be a tree and the farmer does not try to teach it how to do it. Each carries out his task as well as he knows how.
There is a great truth that I want to share with you: when you do what you love, your greatest reward is in doing it. If you enjoy, you will prosper at all levels. If you love your task, you will attract more good things than you can imagine. Because the task of your life is something bigger than the way you get money. It means a way of life but it goes further: it is a way of life.
In fact, when you do what you love, you don't need to make as much money as when you do what you don't love. Why? Because part of your reward is in doing it. Still, focusing on passion makes life more abundant and prosperous than dwelling on the meaningless.
If it's so simple, then why do few get what they seek? The best answer I've found to this question is from one of the world's best salespeople, Leffrey Gitomer: “Everyone wants to win, but only a few really do. This is because the will to prepare to win must outweigh the will to win." Impeccable.
Years ago, I read the following comment by Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, "Lack of money is never the problem, but rather the external symptom of an internal problem." His words left me so stunned that I decided to go deeper into it.
I learned that people do not have problems with money, but with "mental patterns" about money.
I wondered what passionate and prosperous people had in common. The following was to identify the symptoms of people who do what they love:
       When they wake up, they get excited about what they will do that day.
       They enjoy daily, regardless of whether it is tiring or not.
       They focus their time on what really matters to them.
       They do not think about retiring, nor do they count the days until Friday.
       They put the most “difficult” task first on their schedule.
       They use imagination, not experience.
       They are always active, so they have more energy.
       They are service focused.
       They are patient and disciplined.
       They don't compete, they share.
       They let their actions and results “speak” for them.
       They use the passion As fuel.
       They do not believe in luck, destiny, or coincidences.
       They never regret or complain.
       They do not feel that life owes them anything, quite the contrary.
       Your inspiration inspires others.
I could mention many more unmistakable signs, but I guarantee that if you take no more than half of those that I mentioned, what you want will happen with absolute certainty. And fast.
Do what you love, life is too short to spend it doing what doesn't inspire you. Our time is limited, it goes by so fast. It is not something terrible, it is the tool to take advantage of the time granted. What if every day you asked yourself: If today was my last day, what would I do with it? Apply it!
When you finish these articles that I am sharing with you, I would like you to find yourself at a turning point and see clearly that your life is precious to you and those around you. If I could ask you for something, it would be: never give up on yourself and live for what you feel you should do. There's your call!
We'll read tomorrow if you don't give up on this challenge of reading how to achieve your dreams.