Fourth part of “The Wishes Fulfilled Method” (Article 5)

the ultimate recipe
If what has been achieved to date does not satisfy you, repeating behaviors is crazy - they do not give more of themselves. How do I know? If these had the ability to lead you where you want to go, you would simply be there already! It's not funny at all but... we humans insist on doing "more of the same" even when a behavior has been shown not to work.
Why then repeat the same answers over and over again? Because until a person comes to interpret the situation in a new way, he is condemned to repeat his old response. Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and which has made a huge difference in my work, has a powerful suggestion: "Do more of what works, do less of what doesn't, and test behaviors to see if they work better for you." To carry in your wallet.
In other words, stop doing the things that don't work and do more of the things that do. On the other hand, start doing things you've never done and stop doing some things you've always done. If you had to choose just one concept from everything I've written in this content, please stick with this one.
Pretending the extraordinary leading an ordinary life is sheer naivete. Superb works are carried out by normal and ordinary people who dare with the extraordinary.
Perhaps you have already wondered what you have put your attention to to date so that things are as they are. When you get some answers, you will create a new reality and it will come into existence for you. Remember, when you don't find the right circumstances, stop looking and create them.
In the next second, the ultimate recipe:
Rewrite the script of your life
Write your life as if it started right now and as you want it to be. Put in writing everything that is important to you. Always put your wishes in writing. A commitment is a contract with oneself, and contracts are put on paper.
What happened to a seed without soil? The same thing that happens to an objective that has not been established in writing and that lacks a date.
The paper and the agenda are his fertile land.
He included a lengthy but priceless quote from author Todd Michael, from his book how to perform miracles (Obelisco Editions) because I couldn't express it in a clearer way: "A request must first be put into words."
Thoughts, like steam, are intangible. In order for steam to become a solid, it must first condense into a liquid form. Only then will the resulting liquid be able to freeze and become solid. When one manifests a dream, the first step is to condense the thought forms of your dream into words. This forces you to be very clear about what you want. Next, put your request in writing. The words that are spoken are only the first condensation of thought. Written words take condensation to another level of solidity. One of the most powerful objects you can have is a blank sheet of paper. An impeccable analogy.
Buddha taught that what we do and who we are should not be separated. When this happens, it is no longer necessary to seek happiness. Happiness finds you while doing what you love. The true secret of happiness is to orient yourself to what you love and enjoy doing it.
Three questions that can change your life
1.       What “distance” separates my present state from my desired state?
2.       What qualities do I need to develop to fulfill my desire?
3.       What do I need to leave behind? It can be: fears, worries, limiting beliefs...
a)   What trap thoughts do I need to deactivate to reach my goal?
b)   What trap beliefs are making it difficult for me to get what I want?
c)   What trap-emotions do I need to modify to face my goals with guarantees?
d)   What cheat behaviors do I need to change to meet my goals?
Three tasks for immediate action:
1.     If you have a family, or plan to create one in the future, assess how to integrate both personal projects without either of them being harmed by the other. Identify the degree of compatibility or incompatibility between both roles in your life. How can they reinforce each other? Instead of thinking in terms of exclusion, you should think in terms of inclusion: why not both?
2.     Write down the causes that are going to create the effects you are pursuing, prioritize and focus on them. Determine which “switches” are going to light up your life. Your next task is to calibrate them, one by one. Remember that it is your passion for causes, and not so much for effects, that will manifest your desires. So write in your notebook; "The causes that will produce my desire are...".
3.     Take time out of your day to gather motivation and inspiration to take the next step. Find your time. During that “date with yourself”: meditate, exercise and plan your next action. It is what is called: “sharpening the axe”. Although it may seem like a waste of time, you are actually earning it. The time you spend preparing will improve your performance. Remember; nobody plans failure, but he fails because he has not planned.
An idea to summarize:

The word "difficult" is one of the biggest and most frequent obstacles in people's minds. It's a "loser" word. It actually means, “I'm not going to do it. I'm here for the easy stuff." But… what you have never done cannot be difficult.