Delegate to your “cosmic manager”
As it is said in The Science of Getting Rich: "Do your part well and leave His to God." Delegate to your cosmic manager (the infinite organizing power of the Field of all possibilities). It is not a small thing: it is about the same wisdom that keeps your organism, the planet, the solar system, the galaxy and the entire universe alive. And so on.
You probably already know that trust is the invisible bridge that leads a desire to its manifestation in reality. It is the wind that you do not see but that fills your sails. Confidence is the total absence of limitations. And the voluntary suspension of the state of disbelief. While trust doesn't guarantee you any results, it does give you a mindset of possibility.
I have a question-challenge for you: What do I need to believe in order to do it?
It doesn't have an obvious answer, yet it's a question I ask myself often, whenever I'm working on a project, ever since I read the phrase attributed to Walt Disney: “You need to believe”. Deep in my heart, I know that something won't happen if I don't believe in it first.
If there is one thing I am convinced of, it is that when you give yourself an opportunity, you create the possibility. I'm not saying that in that moment it's real, I'm saying that you make it possible. All things happen twice: inside you, as a possibility; and on the outside, as reality.
Always in this same order.
Let's go back to Vincent van Gogh.
At the same time that he began to paint, he began an intense correspondence in which he explained his experiences about what he had chosen as his life's mission. He often wrote to his brother Theo about his sheer determination. His self-confidence grew daily and fueled his strong will to become a painter. He told his brother; "A little more and we will sell." That is confidence in action. Today we all know that of his nearly two thousand works, he only sold one canvas during his lifetime. But when it started selling, it broke records. Vincent acted by default and by excess. The first, because the author would have benefited from a course in marketing and mail order sales. And the second, because his work was so far ahead of his time that it was not until well after fifty years after his death that the market was able to understand his genius.
History is full of similar examples: people who believe in their dream do not seek the approval of others to move forward. Perhaps for this reason, they are described at first as "crazy", then as "innovators", and finally as "geniuses" and "visionaries".
They all displayed great self-confidence.
Three questions that can change your life:
1. What can I do differently?
a) What could happen if I try?
b) What if I don't try?
2. Am I willing to do each and every task on the list?
3. What task am I not doing that if I did it would refine the result?
Tasks for immediate action:
1. Do a “brainstorm” in writing and write down all those things that you would like to achieve. Are there any that could change the course of your life? If the answer is "no", discard it. It does not matter if you have the means, knowledge and time to carry them out. Express yourself freely, you will reason later. You will be able to eliminate and prioritize alternatives in a second phase.
2. Write your Manifestation Plan, reformulate it. Make adjustments, your plan must be flexible. Some tasks will stick, others won't. Make an exhaustive list with all the tasks necessary to make your dream come true. Do not see your list as something arduous but as the menu in which your dream come true is dessert! Go through the list and ask yourself if there is something you are not willing to do. If the fulfillment is partial, the achievement could also be.
3. Give yourself time to gather internal and external resources. You are going to need a great inner strength to reach the top. It's time to think about the reinforcement supports you can get. Turn your environment into your ally. And start “saving the price” that you will ultimately have to pay to get what you want.
An idea to summarize:
You can desire anything and at the same time not be attached to anything. Preferring is not the same as needing. It is one thing to live to achieve a goal and another to depend on it. Demand is a kind of need that takes you away from the result.