Sixth part of “The Wishes Fulfilled Method” (Article 3)

your dream schedule
Many agendas start small to get big. In such a way that they do not gain perspective and get lost in the tasks of everyday life. The trees do not allow to see the forest. I propose the opposite, start from the big and go towards the small. Ask yourself: What would a person who wants to achieve this goal do?
Some activities respond to the mandate “I must do it!” and not to “Do I need to do it?”. Ask yourself rather: What result does this task create? It is surprising how many things are done that do not lead to anything important. And even more surprising is how much effort is lavished to do well what should not be done!
I have a four-word formula: take care of what counts. The important is big, the urgent is small. am I exaggerating? Maybe, but dedicate no more than 20% of your working day to the urgent. That means an hour and a half being generous. What to do with the rest of "emergencies"?, leave them for the next day. You will see how many ceased to be important because in reality they were not even important.
I have four good questions that will help you schedule your appointment at the top:
1.  What is important right now? Set your values.
2.  What is it that I really want? Set your goal.
3.  What will I make it a reality? Specify your actions in the short, medium and long term.
4.  Which ones will I carry out and when? Specify your tasks and assign them dates.
Treat yourself to a notebook (my favorite tool). Write down your achievements in it so that you can reread them often, no matter how small. Write things you have achieved in any aspect of your life, be it professional or personal. Also write your next challenge and then turn it into tasks in your agenda.
One of the things that reduces the level of efficiency is keeping many topics open without finishing them. It is exhausting not to finish things started. Computer analogy: when you open many programs and files on your computer, the performance drops noticeably.
Similarly, when the mind keeps different units of attention open, it causes performance to decline, and can even lead to collapse. My suggestion is: close as many topics as possible to focus on your next step.
When you work, focus on what you do. Do not accept distractions. The key word is concentration. A single project on the table, the most important. There is plenty of room in the is for the rest… invest time in the extraordinary and retreat from the ordinary. Now, do you know what your highest value tasks will be?
Do the uncomfortable tasks before the comfortable ones, because once done, you will enjoy the day more. And when you tackle the uncomfortable tasks, find a way to enjoy them.
A project has two times, the “vertical time” and the “horizontal time”. The first is the part of the day that occupies you. The second, the days it takes you to complete it. Logically, the longer the vertical time, the shorter the horizontal time. And vice versa.
And something else: your horizontal time can go in two directions: forwards or backwards. If you occupy yourself with your purpose, you advance. If what you do takes you away from him, you back off. In English, the word live –Live– if written backwards –Evil— means “bad”. Word game: evil is living life backwards.
Since I mention life upside down, in the book through the looking glass by L. Carroll, Alice listens to the Queen states:“Here as you can see, you need to run with all your might to stay in place. If you want to go somewhere else, you have to run at least twice as fast.” So, you decide, do you want to move at the speed of a bicycle -10 km/h- or at the speed of a jet 1,000 km/h?
Immediate action
If you chose this book among so many that are published each year, perhaps it is because you feel that the time has come to live a great adventure. If so, nothing more inevitable. And yet it could happen that you don't know where to start. What if you start at the beginning, continue in the middle and finish at the end?, as recommended to Alice in Wonderland.
Many people (the majority) wait for the "perfect moment" to take action, they wait for everything to fall into place, for their auspicious year to arrive, or for the stars to align... and so they spend their lives waiting for a "Sign" that never comes. This is a powerful proposition:
Live the adventure, don't dream it.
You don't need to know everything to start, but you do need to start. One action reveals the next action, one step the next, and one thing leads to another. One day at a time is enough.
This is the Constitution of the cosmos: take immediate action.
For the moment, forget about knowing in advance the steps that will lead you to your top. It will be revealed at the right time, not a minute before and not a minute after. For now, it is enough to “be willing to do what is necessary when it is necessary for as long as it takes”.
There is something magical in action and it is that when you act you think better. I usually practice what I call moving meditation. I play sports because exercise helps me create or solve important issues. It is not about thinking more, but about thinking better.
People who manifest their desires, and who allow miracles to happen through them, act. They get up and do things, they get moving. The action is very satisfying in itself. On the contrary, people who think more than act succumb under the weight of their own mind. I have found that taking action brings a lot of luck!
Once in motion, by the law of inertia, maintaining speed will require much less effort. A commercial aircraft consumes most of its fuel during the takeoff maneuver; once it has reached eight thousand meters, maintaining its cruising speed is a comparatively ridiculous consumption.
Act now this is the ideal time.
It doesn't matter if you never tried, now is now
As I'm sure you already know that past results do not condition future results unless you insist on doing the usual, with which you will not get anything different.
Now is now, then was then.
Start right now, you don't have another.
We humans like to repeat behaviors. Even accentuate them when they have amply demonstrated that they do not work. How many times have you repeated what failed the first time? And a second time? Are you willing to try what you have never tried?
Your biggest task right now is to take charge of your life and take back your personal power. Nobody is going to give you your power, you will have to extract it from within yourself. Name yourself the “CEO” of your life and make the first executive decisions. It's time to forget about what was or what has always been, to focus on the what from today.
I have met people who were unaware that their desire had as its ultimate goal the transformation of consciousness... through practice! Because they resisted becoming someone better, they denied themselves their own desire.
The greater the desired external changes, the greater the internal transformation to achieve them. The “from the inside out” paradigm —every external change begins after an internal change— is no longer disputed by anyone, although very few take it into account. The transformation is not in foreign lands but in oneself.
Applying "The Wishes Fulfilled Method" is going to require all of your inner resources. If you feel that you still do not have that inner strength, give yourself time and gather it. You will need a large dose of self-confidence to move from your current reality to the new one.
The trapeze artist releases a trapeze and launches into the void in search of the next trapeze. For a few moments she is not attached to anything but her trust. In the great changes of life there is a time when the old is gone and the new has not yet manifested. It is a time when it seems that nothing happens. It looks a lot like a void, but it is a void with potential.

During this period of uncertainty, personal transformation is guaranteed.