NLP is based on what has been called "presuppositions”, are thus defined since they are “presupposes” that are true and we take them as guides that define our actions in the various contexts in which we operate, it is not intended in any way that these presuppositions have absolute certainty or are universal, but, if they are taken as if they were true or true , these constitute resources that will optimize our life and our relationship with others and with ourselves, acting as if these presuppositions were true will allow us to get the most out of all NLP models, just as there are the two fundamental presuppositions of NLP There are also the basic presuppositions, the Eriksonian ones and the:
1. Mind and body are part of the same cybernetic system: the term cybernetic is applied here to indicate that this mind-body system is characterized by interacting as an open circuit of communication, both interact and influence each other. This is confirmed by the fact that a change in one affects the other in some way, both are part of the ecology of the human being.
2. All behavior has a positive intention: All conduct is intended to achieve some benefit. NLP distinguishes between the intention or purpose of a conduct and the conduct itself. Similarly, a person is not his behavior, the behavior only appears negative to us because we do not know its purpose. The NLP It is responsible for giving us the means to achieve those goals, more effective alternative means that expand our options as human beings, thus replacing limiting behaviors or responses.
3. All behavior is useful in a certain context: it is necessary to analyze all behavior in the light of the context or environment where it develops, since otherwise such behavior may seem illogical, irrational or out of place.
4. People potentially have all the necessary resources to change and to act efficiently: Throughout our personal history we have accumulated experiences, from which we can extract the necessary resources to develop ourselves as people and deal elegantly and flexibly with any circumstance that comes our way. There are specific models of NLP that fulfill this function, rescue resources from our experience and install the necessary tools to create them.
5. The meaning of our communication is found in the response we get: this has to do with our flexibility as communicators, and implies that we have to adjust and refine our communication in order to obtain the response we want, and not assume that the fault lies with the receiver of our communication.
6. People respond to their map of reality and not to reality itself: Due to the filters or limitations of our perception, we can only create maps of reality in our internal representations, and it is based on those maps that we act and respond.
Since experiences vary from person to person, no two human beings have the same maps or models of the world. Therefore, each one creates a different model of the same world that is shared, and therefore a different reality will be experienced.
7. There are no failures in communication, only feedback: If the response obtained is not the expected one, we must take such response as a useful response that provides us with feedback to modify our performance and thus achieve the results we want.
8. If it is possible for someone, it is possible for me: the identification and/or creation of effective models leads us directly to excellence. If someone has the ability to do something, the model or strategies that support such ability can be extracted and taught and installed in other people. The NLP It has models to identify the structure of people's abilities or skills and then duplicate them in another person.
9. We process reality through our body-mind: and therefore we are the ones who create our experiences and who are responsible for what those experiences provoke in us, quoting Marco Aurelio: “If you feel distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your own estimation of it”, so, you have the power to remove it at any time. Regarding the impact of our perceptions on our state, “Experience is not what happens to a man, but what that man does with what happens to him”.
10. If something doesn't work for you, why keep doing it: This presupposition has to do with the flexibility we want to have to achieve our goals. If we are constantly confirming that the expected result is not being achieved, we must start using other different means until we achieve what we have set out to do. Each failed attempt does not constitute a failure, but a discovery of one more way of not achieving our goal and it is only a learning process.
Bandler and Grinder tell us that to be effective in a field of action, we must have the flexibility and elegance that having multiple options gives us, and in this regard they tell us: if you only have one option, You're a robot, if you have two options, you are in a dilemma; only with three or more options can you be flexible”.
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