Second level of consciousness: adaptation to change

In it you do what is appropriate and correct to structure necessary changes that allow you to stop damaging yourself in the now. Adapt to change without fear, recognizing that security does not exist in nature, that security is a superstition. Life is an adventure or nothing at allHelen Meller said.
JUST DO IT, It's the key. Discover from the depths of your Being that life is only a moment. You have to be the main protagonist of your life, you know that if you don't do it yourself, nobody will. This is where you live that master plan towards success. When you live in the here and now, taking responsibility for yourself and your decisions, there are no blames, no resentments. There is only you with your life and your circumstances. At this level of consciousness one lives in what the Yaqui sorcerer Juan Matus called controlled folly: "Do the necessary". Acknowledging at a deep level that what we're doing doesn't make sense, and then acting like we don't know."
Here begins the real change with which you transform yourself and, without meaning to, transform your environment, sharing the best that life gives you. Without being utilitarian, you do what someone patiently shared with you at one point in your life. Here, whether you like it or not, you collaborate with the life plan that indicates balance and harmony, what, as we know, the human being breaks due to lack of understanding. This is the level of give and take.