Everything is ringing to wake up, to wake up the sleeping, the dead. It's ringing, ringing. A wind fills the sails of blood. Open your eyes, asleep, dead!
james sabines
The brain is an exquisite gift that was given to us by evolution, it is at your service and yet it has created a double deception for us:
First deception: It makes you believe (because it works automatically if you don't train it to follow your instructions) that you are it. Yes, it makes you believe that you are the mind. However, it is not the brain that thinks, it is the brain that thinks. BE that groups the organism, the set of emotions and feelings and cognitive processes of the mind into a whole.
So, who are you? You are the awareness of yourself. To realize this is to start the path of not working automatically and that the ME, the part knew that exists in you, the master plan to carry out, decide what you want and what you don't want, how you want to live, what emotions you want to experience, what you want to think and what beliefs you want to determine you. Simply choose how you want to live and not miss out on the unique opportunity that is your life.
Second hoax: feel like you have no choice.
Why do we always function from the brain, from the mind? The brain works automatically and that's fine because if you (the SELF) don't decide, someone else has to decide and the brain reacts with repetitive responses, according to what it associates and feels.
Now the question is: What do you want to do with the incredible potential of your brain? During the day, having the opportunity to live the experience of "thinking" you only think about fifteen or twenty thoughts, the same ones that you use only to screw up your life and screw up the life of the one you love the most.
What does a normal person think? "I can't, it's difficult, money isn't enough for me, I'm not happy with who I am or with what I have, my wife is cheating on me, I'm not enough, I feel like I'm missing something, or what's the point of life?"
That is what the majority thinks, they are always struggling to be what they are not or demand a lot of themselves and, by not reaching their goals, they become frustrated and live in anguish, stressed; he wants to have everything that a society that works automatically sells him, just like him or worse still, he lives according to what others dictate.
How to escape these deceptions?
The mind should not be disdained, I do not just ask you to use it and then put it aside because the mind does not help you to live your life, it does not help you to experience it because it will always wander through thousands of sides, that is precisely its function.
Use it to create strategies that lead you to achieve your goals, your objectives; but whenever you are living leave it aside, do not allow it to take control because it is silly that, knowing well what you want, you allow another or others to decide for you, that would be like living asleep dreaming that you are awake and that you live. How about this? How do you feel knowing this information? What will you do to have control and decide to stop working automatically?
When you ask yourself who am I? Have you thought about this? Try to answer...
Regardless of what you answer, I could answer with this:
you are the way; what you have to experience.
you are the truth; what you need to live without avoiding.
you are life; the meaning you want to give to this moment.

Life has to be lived from BE because life cannot be lived with thought, with the mind, life happens inside and outside, it is always expressed in the here and now and if you believe that life is lived from thought, you will only find ideas of reality that you experienced in the past, even though that past just happened a moment ago because it is no longer here. If you don't want to miss out on living your life and everything that happens in it, including all your relationships, learn to feel, to perceive beyond this reality to reach yourself: the BE.
You will have to learn to live in the here and now, where the past is gone, the future has not arrived and is only a possibility. You will only meet the constant present.
I invite you to try not to think so much because life cannot be lived from there. Although the vast majority live like this, dare to live with your heart to see what happens! Yes, live feeling, live experiencing your life first hand without accepting that they tell you how to live it. Simply make a map of what you hear from others, which will help you to go through your almost always virgin life. Be clear that your life is your life, simple or not! because your life is the most important achievement you have achieved.
Have you noticed how people are asleep and when they wake up they don't like what they see, they don't like what they have created and they go back to sleep or live as if they were asleep?
In truth, there are few of us who want to wake up and take responsibility for our lives and discover that we are responsible for the way we are living, whether we accept it or not. And if you like what you've created then keep going and if you don't like it then undo it. Yes, go back, accept that you have not made good decisions. All of us without exception make mistakes, we are not always right when deciding, although when we do so we “think” that it is the best decision at that moment. If things in your life are not going well, start over, it is possible. Or do you prefer to live in constant error without learning and without daring to start over?
To wake up is to be different, it is to do different things, to live differently. Think and feel on a deep level. It's a risk. Who wants to run it? Only those who open the heart of a child, those who want to live in wonder and daily enjoyment can achieve it. The number one rule for removing the blur from seeing and living life with wonder is to be in the present; in the present there are no beliefs, there is only a reality to be experienced.