So, my suggestion is: physical and mental alignment, grow daily. Read. A person who does not read does not know more than a person who does not know how to read. Consider, when reading this block, all the concepts that have allowed me to produce this change in my visa, and in thousands of people.

Keep reading. We all have to learn to grow intellectually. Get into the habit of reading daily, and in your car, instead of listening to music, listen to audio cassettes with different programs and others about negotiation, sales, languages.
I can't be mentally healthy if my body is a mess. I also can't exercise regularly or eat properly if my mind is confused.

It is essential to align yourself, balance yourself, physically, mentally and in a third aspect: the spiritual: get closer to God, whatever your god is. If you want to believe in "Ala" as it happens with many conformists ("ala the better if I sell, the better if I win, the better if I do well"), do it.

But to succeed, to get a job, to graduate from college, you must be well balanced.

If you align your physical, mental and spiritual aspects you can be guided by the message: “You will never do more than you think you can do."   Your greatest limitation is yourself. If we put a gourd in a bottle, it will grow exactly in the shape of the bottle. What are you doing? Break the bottle and the pumpkin will grow bigger.

In your case, the bottle is your fear, your complex or limitation. don't limit yourself, God did not make us in series, he made us seriously.  You were created to succeed and achieve everything you set out to do in life.