The collective dimension of the body of pain has different ramifications. Tribes, nations and races have their own...
The collective dimension of the body of pain has different ramifications. Tribes, nations and races have their own...
If you are not familiar with contemporary civilization, if you had come from another time or from another planet, a…
Some people carry dense painbodies, which are never fully dormant. They can smile and converse politely, but it doesn't…
When we have people around us, especially a spouse or a close family member, the body of pain seeks to provoke them to…
The painbody awakens when it feels hungry and it is time to replenish lost energy. But also an event...
The pain-body is a semi-autonomous form of energy, made up of emotions, that lives inside of…
No negative emotion that we don't face and recognize for what it is can truly dissolve completely. Leave behind…
In The Power of Now, I mentioned that I had observed that when two ducks fight, when they separate they swim in directions…
The story of Tanzan and Ekido, two Zen monks who were walking along a rural path flooded by…
The ego is not only the unobserved mind, the mental voice that pretends to be us, but also the emotions...